Date night!☁️

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Written by Murry


date night, always a special time. it's something to cherish with a lover, whether it be splurging a little on a fancy dinner, a night out at the bar, or a home cooked meal with promises of ending the night off in the bedroom.

for mark and ethan, date night meant a romantic movie and some blankets, a bottle of wine to top it all off. it was perfect, both of them were having the time of their lives just because they were in each other's arms.

yeah, poor mark and ethan were hopelessly in love.

it was cliché. the room was dim, candles were lit. ethan was laying across the couch with his legs hanging over the arm, his head in marks lap as the older ran his fingers through his hair, secretly admiring how his eyes sparkled in interest for the movie.

to mark, ethan was breathtaking. when they first confessed their love for each other, he promised himself he would take every opportunity the world gave him to tell him that. ethan would always blush and push him away playfully, telling him to stop being a sap or teasing him about being so hopeless.

really, ethan loved the praise, it made him feel special.

mark ran his fingers through ethan's soft hair, scratching his scalp lightly as ethan hummed and leaned up into the touch. his hand trailed down to the side of ethan's face, cupping his cheek as his thumb gently reached to run over his bottom lip.

neither of them were paying attention to the movie anymore.

ethan turned so that he was laying on his back, looking up to mark and locking eyes with him. there was a moment of silence as the movie slowly faded away into nothing but background noise. mark's thumb tugged down on ethan's bottom lip, his eyes breaking away from their lock to follow the action.

after the three years they'd been together, mark still couldn't believe how beautiful ethan was. his chestnut hair always slightly curled, messy as he hadn't cared enough to tame it. his eyes dark brown, ponds of chocolate, warm and inviting. his smile was marks favorite, shy and sweet, carving dimples into his cheeks and usually followed up by a blush.

ethan smiled shyly, a flush heating his cheeks as he looked away, slightly intimidated by marks dark gaze.

mark laughed softly, breathless, almost as if he'd just run of three flights of stairs when really he'd only spent a few minutes admiring ethan.

ethan pushed himself up slightly, his arms supporting his weight as he turned onto his side and faced mark. there was a beat of silence before he shifted his leg properly, his knees either side of marks hips. then, he leaned forward and kissed him, pressing their lips together in a soft kiss full of love.


this is only part one, sorry if it's too soft😅 part two coming soon!! i just wanted to get something out there, so i decided to split it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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