Short Story Part 1 - Mark Coffey

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"I don't know. We did yellow and gray last year, we need to switch it up" I mumbled chin resting on my hand as Adam flipped through some gear ideas. "Shayna and Rhea, have you picked your final members?" Hunter asked in the background, the meeting continuing on around us. "That's true. What about black, green and gold? Little tribute to your boys in the UK" the leader of the Undisputed Era suggested. "I picked Kay Lee Ray" Shayna sounded "Oh that would be really cool." I nodded excitedly "I was going to pick Mia but she's out on injury. Dakota has already been written in as a no" Rhea sighed from somewhere off to my left. "Callie" Hunter called my head perking up and finding him standing at the edge of the table, everyone staring at me thoughtfully. "You wanna make even more history?" he asked, the question sending a chill down my spine "Two war games matches in one night Hunt? That's a lot. Even for me" I sighed running my free hand through my hair. "Can you do it?" He questioned making me go silent looking up at Adam to see him looking worried. "Mark is going to be pissed" he mumbled making me snort "You got my back in our match right?" I questioned lowly watching as determination took over his expression. "You know we do." He nodded once "I can do it." I nodded confidently "Hell yeah" Rhea grinned reaching over to give me a high five. "On one condition" I smirked holding up a single finger "What" Hunter sighed making me grin even wider "I have time to change between them so I can wear my own gear for the women's match" I bargained crossing my arms over my chest. "Deal." Hunter nodded "Dismissed" he shouted everyone grabbing their things to leave. "What gear are you wearing?" Adam questioned curiously making me smile brightly. "My Gallus gear" I shrugged thinking of the man who had completely stolen my heart a year ago. "So cute makes me wanna barf" he teased throwing his arm over my shoulder as we stepped into the Undisputed Era locker room. "Shut up. Mr. went as Luigi for Halloween because his girlfriend batted her eyelashes" I teased remembering when Britt asked him all too well. "Alright, truce. We're both in sappy relationships." He sighed a smile on his face as we both set about packing up our bags now thankfully done for the night. "Hey so meet at the Performance Center about 8 tomorrow?" he suggested as we left Full Sail and moved to part ways for the evening. "Sounds good. See ya tomorrow Adam" I called over my shoulder as I walked away from him and climbed into my truck to head home for the night.

I had just pulled out of the parking lot when my phone was ringing and with some quick maneuvers it was on speaker phone. "Hey babe" I greeted not able to fight the smile that slid on my face as his voice sounded "Well hello love, that was quick" he laughed lowly "What can I say, I got excited" I teased navigating my way through the streets until I reached my apartment complex. "How was the show tonight?" he questioned as I pulled into my garage and shut off the vehicle. "Pretty boring actually, didn't have anything going on." I returned climbing out and locking everything up before moving into the building. "The meeting afterwards though was intriguing" I added knowing there was no way I would be able to hide anything from him. "What happened?" he sounded "Well we were going over War Games plans and there's been a slight change to my lineup for the evening" I said slowly as I walked up the stairs to my third floor apartment. "What kind of change Calli" he sighed, he already sounded worried and unimpressed and I knew it was going to get worse. "I've been added to the women's war games match on Rhea's team" I whispered the silence coming from the other end making me double check that the call was still connected. "You're joking right?" he finally spoke, his voice low and dark. "I kind of wish I was but I'm not. I'm on Team Rhea for the women and Undisputed Era for the men's match" I sighed reaching into my purse to dig out my apartment keys trying not to drop my phone or my duffle bag. "Jesus Christ Callihan. Are you fuckin crazy?" he shouted on the other end making me cringe slightly as I began to fumble with the lock. "Mark I'll be fine" I sighed into the phone as I struggled to unlock my apartment with one hand, the other holding the cellphone to my ear. "It's never been done before love. Ya can't blame me for bein worried especially after the last War Games ya ended up in" the gruff voice of my Scottish boyfriend sounded on the other end as I finally stepped into my apartment. "It's the women's match I'm most worried about to be perfectly honest" I admitted dropping my bag to the floor and walking into my bathroom to strip out of my dirty clothes. "You home?" he questioned making me smile "Yes sir" I replied knowing he would hang up and call me back on facetime. "See you in a minute" he sounded before the other end of the phone went silent. I took the brief moment to wipe my face clear of my makeup before the phone rang again.

Answering it I was greeted with the handsome face I missed every day. "Well hello beautiful" he greeted a boyish grin on his face as I lifted the phone a little higher so he couldn't see the amount of cleavage revealed by my lack of shirt. "Aw come on babe, it's been 2 months since I've seen ya, can't ya indulge me" he pouted making me laugh as I moved from the bathroom and into my bedroom where I laid down on my stomach propping my phone up with a pillow so I could support my head with my hands. "Jesus lass, yer killin me" he sighed lowly making me giggle again. "I miss you" I hummed watching with a smile as he ran a hand down his face and collapsed onto the couch. "I miss you too Cal, it shouldn't be much longer" he sighed back before our eyes locked through the phone. "Ya know, I wouldn't do this for anyone else." He laughed followed by a deep sigh "I really do like ya lass" he whispered making me smile wider than I thought possible "I really like you too Mark. And after Takeover it'll calm down and I've got more time off in the upcoming months" I informed tilting my head to the side as a loud bang sounded from the other side of the phone. "MARK! Can we go to the performance center yet?" Joe yelled from somewhere off screen. "Just a minute ya old fuck" Mark called back making me laugh quietly. "Go to bed love. I'll call you before my match tonight" he sighed running a hand over his face again "Hey, everything will work out. I'll talk to you soon" I smiled softly knowing it was getting harder and harder on both of us to keep going like this. "Sweet dreams doll" he whispered "Always when I dream of you every night" I sent back with a cheesy grin loving the smile it brought to his face before the screen went dark. Taking a deep breath I plugged my phone in and set an alarm for 7 AM before I burrowed under my covers and stared up at the dark ceiling. I would do whatever it took to keep my relationship with Mark strong. I liked him too much to lose him. With those thoughts I fell asleep with thoughts of the man on my mind.

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