└ C9 ┐

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Even if you're weak, there are miracles you can seize with your hands if you fight on to the very end. -Uryuu Minene (Future Diary)

"kuh.. Sasuke, that damn bastard, is so late!"

Naruko puffed her cheeks cutely to show her disappointment while she tapped her feet on the grassy ground of the playground.

Sasuke had just turned 5 years old last week, and the Uchiha clan had brought up a party to celebrate his birthday. However, Kushina was busy with the hospital again, Minato was stuck on a meeting with other Kages, and Kakashi was away on an ANBU mission. So, Naruko was not able to come to the party (Minato had forbidden her from going without any guardian).

She let out an impatient huff at the thought.

Sasuke had promised (more like Itachi had promised for him) to play with Naruko today to make up for the time they couldn't spent together in his party. Of course, since it was Itachi that announced it, Sasuke had no choice but to agree.

But right now..


Civilians and their kids looked at the blonde girl weirdly as they passed by. The parents warning their children to never approach her, and the children nodding their heads as they caught sight of the weird antics of Naruko.

She grumbled before she made her way to a swing. She looked around her to see other children keeping their distance. Oh, that's right. At this time, people hated her for being Kurama's jinchuuriki.

"Well then, I'm so sorry that you had to be my jinchuuriki, gaki, tch."she heard the nine-tailed fox hiss in her mind, and she giggled in response.

"it's fine, dattebayo.. I managed to put up with the glares for years before, who's to say I can't handle it again?" Naruko replied before she started to move the swing. "I'm a bit concerned, though.. Sasuke's never late. Could something have happened?"

There was silence between her and Kurama, for a moment. Just the two of them thinking deeply, before..

"Gaki, we forgot something," Kurama starts off, stopping her from thinking.

"what?" she asked,

"the Uchiha massacre." the fox growls, and Naruko's eyes immediately widen before she stands up from the swing and heads for the playground's exit.

"no way, you mean to tell me Itachi's killing everyone right now?" she answers in her mind to not catch any more attention from passerby's.

"It just came to mind. I'm not saying that he is, but he could be doing that right now, so hurry up if you wanna save the goddamn clan." Kurama lisps as he watched his jinchuuriki, attentively.

"But.. the Uchiha clan haven't been showing signs of any coup d'etat, have they? Itachi killed them in the past because they had." she argues, while running.

"well they're adults, so they could just be hid~"

"Waaah, that's so creepy!"

The sound of mocking laughter after the statement made Naruko stop in her tracks. It was familiar but not exactly the same..

"oi kit, aren't you going to the Uchiha's?" Kurama said to catch her attention but the girl was already trembling in her position, eyes widening as memories kept flashing through her mind.

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