└ C19 ┐

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“Sometimes, it's necessary to do unnecessary things.”   —Kanade Jinguuji (Best Student Council) ┐


"And even if you try to bribe me with 10 bowls of free ramen, I still wo—" Naruko suddenly paused in her tracks, making Sasuke stop too.

"What is it?" The boy raised an eyebrow in confusion, but was ignored as Naruko turned around while beaming.

"...Ah, it's Sakura-chan!"

Sakura gulped.


"You know her?"

Sasuke glanced at the pink-haired girl through his peripheral vision, before instantly returning his attention towards his childhood friend, who frowns upon his words,

"Urg, damn you..." Naruko groans out, sounding very frustrated with him, as she crosses her arms before her chest, "You really need to pay more attention in class, teme."

"Coming from you of all people?" retorts Sasuke, but Naruko waves him off,

"Sakura-chan's in our class. Don't you remember seeing her around?" She asks with a raised brow,

Again, Sasuke glances at Sakura, who freezes in place under that gaze. Feeling his eyes upon her even though it was but for a mere few seconds almost made Sakura's heart skip a beat.

Okay, sure, maybe she was kinda talking bad about the boy earlier... But it was hard to deny that he truly was quite the looker. It's definitely because of the genes though. Sakura has seen the boy's mother and brother from time to time as well, and they also looked great. Sakura's not going to start liking Sasuke just because he looks good, unlike the other girls. Nuh-uh!

"Hn," Sasuke nonchalantly utters, and just then does Sakura realize that he wasn't looking at her anymore, making her release the breath that she didn't even realize she was holding as well.

Naruko abruptly opens and closes her mouth in disbelief, gaping like a confused fish, "W-Whaa... Seriously? She's Ino's friend. They're literally always together, joined at the hip. Doesn't ring a bell at all?"

Sasuke then squints his eyes, seemingly thinking to himself before he pauses and slightly nods his head, "....Ah. The girl that's always behind Ino. Hn." Naruko nods her head in acknowledgement and praises him for actually managing to remember. Until Sasuke raises an eyebrow, "So?"

This elicits a gasp out of Naruko's lips --ever the dramatic dobe, thinks Sasuke-- before she sneaks a quick, worried glance at Sakura, then faces Sasuke again with a reprimanding expression, "This is why you don't have friends, dattebayo! You need to atleast remember your classmates, y'know?"

"It's not my fault that they don't leave me enough of an impression," denies the boy as he stubbornly turns his head away, making Naruko irritatedly jab him on his sides. Thus, he scowls at her, and she hisses back.

Although he probably didn't mean anything by his statement, it did hurt Sakura a bit after hearing it.

So it was her fault, now?

Well, it wasn't her fault that the oh-so-adored-by-everybody Uchiha Sasuke-sama completely ignored the existence of everyone that wasn't himself or Naruko, was it? He always sets a clear distance between himself and others, but now he was putting the blame on them?

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