3 ✖ Angel

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Song of the chapter: Solence - Heaven

"Holy shit! I am going to die!" I had not been calm. Not at all. The division between the front of the car and the back let down to allow the General and the driver to communicate. They both took out their guns at the ready. "If not by that thing then by your stray shots!" my breathing was uneven and the heavy movements on the top of the military truck only worsened my fear.

"Shut up!" the General yelled at me before sticking herself out of the truck, shooting at the alien on top of the car. The bullets simply ricocheted off its white astronaut armour, the cloth it was made off clearly out of this world. The General realised quickly the futility and slipped back into the truck.

"Shake it off!" she yelled at the driver, the car immediately spinning in zig-zag notions.

"Evasive manoeuvres! Evasive manoeuvres!" I cried out, unhelpfully. "Crawl into a fetal position and expect imminent death!"

"That's not helpful!" the window next to my head crashed inward and a three-fingered gloved hand broke through it. I yelped and tried to move away as far as possible from the hand, nearly on top of the General. Glass shards were sticking into my legs, and I momentarily wondered if the Traveller had legit just punched its way through a bulletproof window.

The driver swerved the car, the Traveller's hand grabbing onto the doorframe to stabilise itself. My own body got pressed up against the General's, our forms stuck against the opposite doorframe. The General pointed her fun at the Traveller's hand, but I screeched in dismay.

"It's just going to fly around again! At us, this time!" in a strange, almost singular movement, the Traveller brought its other hand onto the doorframe as well and swung its body over, almost like the beginning of a somersault but let its one hand go mid-flight to twist around.

Its elephantine form stuck into the ground and by its pure mass or force, it managed to completely halt the movement of the truck in a matter of seconds. Although the tires were still spinning, the strength it held onto the truck with was immense. It got hold of the nearest tire and cleanly ripped it off, the truck immediately sagging in its direction. My form went flying in that direction, the General holding onto the opposite door for support.

Now, believe me, my voice had been heard. I think my dismay wasn't shielded and my throat still ached from the smoke inhalation. Now when this thing's three-fingered hand grabbed onto my ankle, I lost my shit. I tried to kick off the grip with my free leg, trying to thrash as much as possible to get it to let the fuck go.

It did, luckily, let go of my ankle but it seemed to do so only to rip off the entire door, probably realising it wouldn't be easy to force me through just the window.

And there it stood.

Its bulky form stood unscathed but dirty, now carrying considerably more soot and dirt on the white cloth, being illuminated by nothing except the street light. The shadow that it cast on us had me quiver in my boots, trembling of its vocal cords already echoing in my mind even though it hadn't made a sound.

The General was absolutely flabbergasted at its appearance, I could tell. This wasn't exactly what you pictured when you thought alien, but then again, we had no idea exactly what was beneath the helmet. Something tall with three-fingered hands, definitely, but besides that?

It could be neon pink for all we knew.

It lunged forward and grabbed my ankle I had desperately tried to keep away from it, pulling me out of the truck without much effort. It swung me through the air and over its shoulder, its hand still gripping at my ankle as I laid upside down. I screeched, trying to fight it off even though I knew it was an absolutely wasted effort.

The Traveller Effect (LGBTQ+)Where stories live. Discover now