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Song of the chapter:

NEFFEX - Primal

"Your people? Your people? There's more of you coming?" a new type of fear settled in the pit of my stomach, thinking how the Traveller might just be the first of many. The scout. The spy.

Maybe the General hadn't been too far off with her lie. "Wait, why do you fear them?" I coughed, my throat feeling like sandpaper.

"They would destroy this planet," my breathing hitched.

"You guys came to kill us?" they did not answer my question, not giving me any indication that I was correct or not and skipped over my words.

"I must survive," together with the deepness of their voice's echo in their throat, I could tell that there was a true and honest fear present.

The Traveller's people would destroy Earth with them on it.

That must be what was going on.

"So you want a shelter that can withstand your people's attack?" I concluded. "Hate to break it to you, but the only real people that have those type of bunkers is the military, and you might just have pissed them off by tossing around their General. They won't help you,"

"I do not need their cooperation," they spoke quickly. "I only need their facility,"

"Do you know where you're going then? Because it seems as if you're just running around blindly," they sneered.

"I am not blind. I have exquisite eyesight," I sighed in annoyance.

"The military knows of your existence now. All of their bases will be on high alert now,"

"I have advantages,"

"Like what?" I wasn't given an answer, instead they tilted their head to regard me. I strained my neck to look at their face.

An absolutely devilish grin overcame them, their shark teeth shining brightly with intimidation. The red in their eyes seemed to have stopped its movement and shone brightly where it stood, a certain attribute of hell being reflected through them.

It was like looking through a window and seeing a war scene. There was a certain sense of security, knowing on which side of the window you were standing. In this case, it didn't mean much. Even though Gehenna was trapped within the body of the Traveller, I could still feel the pandemonium seep through to my side.

It seeped through my skin and slithered about, an utterly uncomfortable feeling overcoming me. I felt like this body was no longer my own; as if I had been infected and my flesh was rotting from the inside out.

This utter agony of being in the Traveller's presence has me imagining vile scenes. Scenes of death and anguish and purgatory and wonder.

Put me down, Traveller! Let me leave to scrub off this sickness from my skin! Let me bleed out the vile plague you have infected me with!

Please spare me a merciless death! Will you not remove me of my heart right here, right now? Do not let me go through even more torment by your side!

Take me along with you. Show me this limbo that drips off your skin like sweat. Show me the world that lives within the confinement of your body!

I shuddered.

At some point, the Traveller had stopped, their eyes darting upwards to the sky and gave an annoyed huff. I wanted to question them about the strange action. It was the only time they had done something different than just aimlessly running for hours. Before I could even get a word in, they ran off in a completely different direction than the one we had been heading in.

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