Angels of Death Memes/Skits

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Hey guys these are just some random memes or skits (whatever you'd call them) I came up with so enjoy (A lot of them are based off other vines and memes lol)

Gray: "Swearing is very immature."

Eddie: "If swearing is immature then why's it called 'adult language'?"

Gray: "..."

Danny: "He's got a point."

Cathy: "That gun was never really loaded!"

Rachel: *pulls out loaded gun* "Lucky I have this one then."

Cathy: "What the-"

Zack: *shoves key card in the wrong way*

Rachel: "What an idiot."

Zack: "What did you just say?"

Rachel: "Nothing!"

Eddie: Rachel, why am I not good enough for you? I wrote you a letter!"

Rachel: There was one problem with your letter"

Eddie: "What?"

Rachel: "You spelt my name wrong!"

Eddie: "No I didn't!"

Rachel: *shows letter* 

Eddie: "Oh..."

Danny: "I had this amazing dream last night.."

Zack: So did I. You died for real."

(that one was bad ik, sorry)

Eddie: "I'll have you know , I have many friends!"

Cathy: "Corpses don't count."

Eddie: "Oh, in that case..."

Zack: "This is bullshit!"

Cathy: "Did you just curse? Cause we don't talk like that in this goddamn motherfucking house!....Oh, shit!"

Danny: "Eddie!"

Eddie: "What?"

Danny: "The floor is...Zack!!"

Eddie: *jumps up table*

Hope you enjoyed that, ik it probably wasn't the best :D Comment if you want to request something particular you want to see me write! Thanks for reading- Sammy :)

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