Requests? + Mini Part.

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Sammy: Hey guys! So believe it or not but I'm already running out of ideas for this book. Embarrassing, I know. But that's why I need you guys to comment what you would like to see me write and hopefully that'll get me back on track!

Eddie: Hey, I have something to say to one reader!

Sammy: Eddie, not now...

Eddie: Onesheart101-

Sammy: Eddie!

Eddie: You lied to me! You don't really think I'm better than Sammy! You just told me that so I wouldn't kill you! 

Sammy: Eddie-

Eddie: But, you know what? That just makes me wanna kill you more!!!

Sammy: Eddie, please stop threatening our readers. Who cares who they think is better?

Eddie: I don't care if they think you're better. I hate when I get lied to. *cries* Why is everyone afraid of me? Everyone treats me like all I ever do is kill people!

Sammy: Aw, Eddie. *hugs him* It's okay. I'm sure that's not what everyone thinks of you. Sometimes though...well, you get angry and you threaten to kill people....heck, you've done it to me loads of times! What I'm saying is, some people are scared of you killing them cause of how angry you can get. I'm sure our readers agree with me that you're adorable!!

Eddie: I-Is that it? I'm sorry, I never meant to scare anyone.

Sammy: I know you didn't. I'm sure everyone forgives you.

Eddie: And Sammy, I never was really going to hurt you everytime I said I was. You're my best friend, I could never hurt you!!

Sammy: Aw, thanks Eddie! You're my best friend too!! Are you going to stop scaring our readers too now?

Eddie: Yeah, I never knew I was scaring them. I'm sorry for scaring you guys, I won't do it again!

Sammy: He really means it, guys. So please forgive him! Anyway I'm gonna end this for now, please please please-

Eddie: Was it necessary to say 'please' three times

Sammy: Eddie, I'm talking now!

Eddie: Sorry..

Sammy: Anyway, please request what you wanna see me write in this book. It can literally be anything! And feel free to request more than once! The more requests, the faster I'll get ideas and update!! See you all next time!!

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