Hide and Seek!!

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Sammy: Hey guys! Sammy here! 

Eddie: And Eddie's here too!

Sammy: Okay guys, just so you all know, Eddie now thinks he's the co-author of this book-

Eddie- Not 'think' I am!

Sammy: Okay, he is the co-author of this book now *whispers so he won't hear* Not really but we're just gonna let him think he is.

Eddie: What was that, Sammy?

Sammy: Nothing! Anyway, welcome to this part, today we'll all be playing a game!

Eddie: What game?

Sammy: Today we're playing...Hide and Seek! There will be two seekers, one of them being me, and everyone else will hide! If the seekers find eveyone, they win, but if they don't, the hiders will win!

Eddie: Sounds fun! Wait! Who's the second seeker going to be?

Sammy: *chuckles* Good question. *holds hand out just over Eddie's head* Well he's this height, he's really cute and he's sitting right next to me..

Eddie: Oh, it's me! Isn't it?

Sammy: *laughs* Yes, Eddie. It's you! Ready to play?

Eddie: Yes!

Sammy: Good! We have to find Cathy, Rachel, Zack and Danny within 3 hours to win! We are going to win, obviously, there's no way I'm losing in my own book!

Cathy: We'll see about that!

Danny: I do have to tell you, Sammy, Cathy's pretty good at all games.

Sammy: Well, you guys have never played against me! I'm the best seeker in the history of seekers. It won't take me long to find you all!

Cathy: Oh, we'll see.

Danny: If we win, Sammy, can I have one of your beautiful blue eyes as a prize?

Sammy: No, Danny. Not like you'll win but still no! Can we just play now before this gets any creepier?

Cathy: Very well. Prepare to lose you two!!

Sammy: You're the one who needs to prepare for that! Right everybody, hide!!!

(After everybody else has hidden)

Sammy: Now we have to find them, Eddie! I'll search on Cathy and Danny's floors while you search the others. Okay?

Eddie: Okay!

Sammy: Come on! We have to win!!

(Floor B3)

Sammy: I'm almost certain that Cathy has hidden somewhere here. Just where? *Searches behind a curtain* Not there! *Looks under a table* Not there either!

Cathy: *puts her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggling*

Sammy: *hears Cathy's muffled giggles coming from a closet* Hmm, maybe she isn't here after all! *walks over to the closest and swings it open* Found you, Cathy!

Cathy: What? How did you find me?!

Sammy: I did tell you that I was the best seeker. Funny that you were found first!

Cathy: What?!

Sammy: Me and Eddie are going to win!! *runs off to elevator*

(Floor B6)

Eddie: I hate this floor so much! But Zack probably hid somewhere here. *opens a big wooden box*

Zack: You found me already, little shit!!

Eddie: That was easy. No surprise considering it's you though!

Zack: What did you just say, brat?!

Eddie: Bette get out of here! *heads towards the elevator*

(Floor B5)

Sammy: I know that you're here somewhere, Danny! I'm going to find you! *starts searching around in the operating room* Hmm, maybe he's hiding in the back room. *goes into the back room and searches around* Where could he be? Wait a minute! What's this over here?! *walks over to a metallic cabinet and opens it*

Danny: Looks like you found me, Sammy.

Sammy: Told you I would! I've already found Cathy! Guess me and Eddie are gonna win!

(Staring floor)

Sammy: Hey, Eddie! Find anyone? I found Cathy and Danny.

Eddie: I found Zack but I can't find Rachel anywhere!

Sammy: We'll look for her together! She probably went up to her floor!

(around 3 hours later)

Sammy: Where is she?! We've searched everywhere!!

Eddie: I don't know!! She has to be here somewhere!!

Cathy: Looks like you two just lost!!

Sammy: What? Time isn't even up yet!!

Cathy: Yes it is. You said 3 hours, it's been 3 hours!

Eddie: We've been searching for that long?!!

Sammy: Ugh! I can't believe we lost!! Alright, Rachel, you can come out now! You guys won!

Rachel: *comes up out of secret trap door* We won?

Cathy: Yes, we did! And poor little Sammy and Eddie lost!!

Sammy: Did you know that trap door was there?

Eddie: Nope!

Sammy: Well, I guess that it's for now. I can't believe I lost in my own book! So embarrassing!! Hope you guys enjoyed, see you next time!

Danny: Since we won, Sammy, you have to let me have one of your beautiful blue peepers!!

Sammy: I never agreed to that, Danny!! *runs away*

Danny: Just let me have one! *runs after him*

Eddie: Don't worry, Sammy! I'll save you!! *runs after them with his shovel*

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