My Best Friend

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Credits to the Original Author.

Warning: Lisa (G!P)


Lisa's POV

I think I'm in love, with my best friend.

We've known each other our entire lives. Hell I have a picture of us in diapers together. We were born on the same day, just at different times. Technically, I'm still older than her though. She swears that she is more mature than I am though. Well, that might actually be true. Either way, I think I love her.

We're in college together and I've been having some weird feelings towards her. She asked once if I was okay and I just nodded. Sometimes I just don't know how to act around her. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her. We're inseparable and we've always been there for each other.

She broke up with her most recent boyfriend a few weeks ago. She said that she just didn't feel the same way about him anymore. I'm thinking about telling her that I have feelings for her, but I don't want it to ruin our friendship. But when you think about it, most people thought we were in a relationship for the longest because of how close we are.

I understand it now; the hugging, hand holding, fussing, arguing, and spending so much time together. It makes sense now, isn't that how normal relationships go. I've never dated anyone so I'm just guessing.

Well I'm just gonna grow a set and ask her out on a date. I can only get one of two answers right. Either way, our friendship is too strong to be broken because I like/love her right?  


Jennie's POV

 I think I love my best friend Lisa. Well if I don't love her then I don't know what love is.

Before me and Hanbin broke up, we were about to have sex, but I said Lisa's name. Hanbin didn't hear me but I said it loud and clear. Even before then, I would always feel a certain way around Lisa that I never really felt around Hanbin.

I'm not sure if Lisa remembers this, but we almost slept together. She had kinda gotten drunk and came on to me. We kissed and stuff but it didn't go any further than that. Well she ended up in her sports bra but then she passed out. The next morning she didn't remember anything that happened so life went on.

But ever since that day, my feeling for her have grown. We've always been the type where we were really comfortable around each other. We're hanging out at her place and she went to take a quick shower. When she came out of the bathroom she was wearing her sports bra with her towel wrapped around her waist and had steam coming off of her body. Lisa is a dance and her abs could get you into some trouble. She was drying her hair while I was staring at her body.

My eyes went a little lower, to his 'V' line. It should really be illegal to look that good. I just wonder what's under that towel... How big is sh-- "Hey. Did you hear me?" Lisa asked me.

What did he say? "No, sorry. I was just thinking. What did you say?". I said while staring at her doe eyes.  "I said do you want to go out? Like out on a date? Just the two of us. Like a real date." she said.

Is she really asking me out?! Like seriously?! This is a joke right?! "Are you being serious?" I ask. "Yeah, 100% serious," she replied. "So is that a yes?" she asked. "Yes! Um-yeah. That sounds like fun." Jeez, try not to sound so excited Jennie.

"Cool, tomorrow at 8:00 then. Wear something nice," Lisa said to me. I nod my head and try to fight the huge smile on my face. She smiles too and looks down at the floor, still grinning. 

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