Mr. Mille's Adventure

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Let me explain to you

That beautiful feeling

When you're on top of the mountain

You've peaked, it's the climax of your journey.

So when you turn around to see your friend,

Hoping for a wonderful smile; you've completed your mission,

But when you cock your head back

All you see is the sapphire stained sky

And an arm outstretched from the clifftop

Not to grab, not to help

But to make sure the deed was done

That your last thought was that of betrayal

That your last sound would be that of the waterfalls gushing gallons gallantly

That your last sight would be their grin of bastardy

Because the sting one feels when deception strikes is not one to smile at.

So you embrace the ice cold breeze as it slaps you on the back as you tumble and fall

You look to the branches for an embrace of arms as each smack chips a little bit more of you apart

You seek comfort in the river water that now fills your lungs, praying they fill fast

You pretend the rocks scraping your skin and bone away are the gentle kisses that father tucked you in with

Because the sheep's wool in the sky that clouds your vision rests upon you like a bedtime story

Lulling your heavy eyes to sleep as the soothing stream sings the last song you will ever hear

For from the top of the mountain one sees a stream stained in scarlet hues

A limp figure holds form, trapped on the bladed stones below

A warm breeze fills the air, rustling colors released from the nearest treetops

Both minds think a unified thought

"So this is what it feels like to die".

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