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I scoop you up, I hold you tight

Tell you everything's alright

It's what I say to myself as I try to sleep

But it's a promise I don't believe I can keep

For the day was long, but the nights were longer

Because when the sun cannot shine I must learn to be stronger

Because keeping demons at bay is not an easy fight

I can feel their screams and claws scratching deep, flames burning a passionate light

Watching hours tick away as the war gains passion

There's no way out, no thoughts I could fashion

So here I lie, and here I cry

For the battle inside me leaves no escape but to die

But then the sun comes up; a ray of hues

Sun beams fill my sight, tonight I did not lose

Because the light wins the day

Or so, that's what my fairytales say

Because, even the knight in shining armour, their rust begin a decay

But today's a new fight, perhaps another battle that I can win

And with a last breath, the start of the day ends this phrase

La fin

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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