Chapter 1

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"Five, please! Can we go out to the lake for one minute?" Martin pleaded. Martin was Five's younger brother. Five's parents decided to keep his name as Five. 

"Martin, ask me again and I'll burn you with the candle lighter." Five said blankly. Martin noticed the book he was reading. 

"Why are you reading when we can go to the lake and skate? Mom and Dad said they have two pairs of ice skates." Martin said. Five got up from his bed.

"Martin, don't bother me anymore." Five said walking into his closet, where he put his book into a safe. The front of the book read "The Art of  Mastering Teleportation".   

"Please...." Martin said, dragging out the word. Five shot him a look and then gave up. He agreed to go to the lake with Martin. 

"You'll have to walk to the lake alone. I have something to do." Five grabbed the ice skates from Martin's hand and ran out the door and slammed it behind him. Five strained his hands and a blue light appeared. He walked through and was at the lake. He turned around and saw a girl on the lake, about the same age as him. She looked just like his neighbor.

"Crap..." Five said to himself. The girl screamed and her legs slipped out from under her. She got up from the cold ice and waved.

"Hello..." the girl said and laughed. "I'm Veronica Davinson." She said as she skated up to him and stuck out her hand. 

"Five." He said and he took her hand and shook it. "Are you my neighbor by any chance?" Five asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah that's me, heh." She said and chuckled. "Sorry for staring at you when you moved in." She said.

"No worries." Five said scratching the back of his neck. He teleported to the bench by the lake to tie his skates, forgetting that Veronica was there. Veronica gaped at him. He stood up after tying his laces and realized that he had just teleported in front of her. He explained how he had been in the orphanage for years and when he was finally adopted he stole the book. She just nodded and acted as she understood. He stepped on the ice and fumbled with his feet. Veronica grabbed his hands and laughed. They stared into the eyes of each other, then looked away. Veronica skated backward with Five's hands in hers. They skated across the whole lake, Veronica never let go of Five's hands. Five finally got the hang of it and Veronica taught him how to do swivels. When their ankles were tired and bruised, they finally stopped ice skating. They both walked to the bench and untied their ice skates. They walked back to their houses together, well Five would teleport in front of Veronica to tease her. Five trusted her with his secret. They both felt a connection with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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