💙🇮🇪No One Else🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙

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-Slight homophobic words and thoughts-
-Ireland's P.O.V-
The Lucky Touch is unusually quiet. For a Wednesday, anyways.
I keep sipping my beer as I listen to the light chatter of a few other countries at different tables, very faint music tuning in ever so often over them. Usually, this place would be full of liveliness of people cheering and laughing, music playing a bit too loud for my drunken head.
The bartender filled my glass again, distracting my thoughts.
I sigh, sipping it lightly again, before hearing the door of the pub creaking open.
Glancing over, I saw the face of another country, soaked from the outside rain. He walked over to the bartender, sitting at one of the seats close to me. I could tell he hasn't been here often, or at all.
I stared at him.
His features were..
Unique? I couldn't find a word for it.
He didn't look like anyone I recognized. The ' X ' on his blue tinted face, the slight curliness of his hair, dripping with water. He held his hat in his hand, it being completely soaked. His hoarse voice asking the bartender for a drink.
I continued to think (about him mostly).
Then a small grunt was heard.
He was staring back at me.

My lips flattened.
" Hello. "
My mouth opened a little, but nothing came out, only inaudible mumbles. He looked confused, raising an eyebrow.
I felt intimidated, his cold eyes glaring at me almost.
" I'm- " I mustered out. " I'm sorry."
" For what? " The man asked.
" I-.. I'm not sure." I felt like a nervous wreck, more intimidated than ever.
The man kept a straight face, before smiling and chuckling softly.
I was dumbfounded, confused, before smiling a little myself.
My heart warmed a bit, feeling more comfortable than the beginning.
" Oh, I apologize. I'm Scotland, and you?"
I looked into his eyes, which, to me, to have lightened a little.
" Ireland.", I told.
He smiled a little more, and I gazed at him. He looked so friendly, the lighting of the overhead lights accenting his facial features. I felt heat rising to my face, glancing away.
" Embarrassed? ", He asked, hoarsely.
" No, No, it's just..", I sigh, " I don't usually meet people until the next mornin'. ", I laughed a little at my own joke, a bit awkwardly.
I looked back at him once I heard a small chuckle, which turned into full on laughing. I was a bit surprised at his reaction to my petty sex joke, my face falling and eyes widening.
The sound of his laughter made my heart flutter.
My world felt like it was opening wide from the sound of his voice.
" You're funny."
" Thanks, I get it a lot", I replied, smiling at him, my cheeks flushing a light pink from the small compliment.
He sipped the small shot he had got, setting the short glass on the table.
I smiled a little more at him, sparking a conversation with him. His replies were interesting, and he kept going on about his friends and family. I listened, almost tuning all of it out as I gazed at his face. His wonderful light winter eyes, and his soft looking skin, along with a jawline to cut glass.
He looked perfect.
I sighed, knowing I could never..
What am I thinking? He's not ' One of those' and neither am I.
That would be absurd.
But I can't help it, he just looks..
" Amazing.." I murmured.
He glanced over at me, seeing me staring. " What's amazing, Ire?"
I perked up.
" Nothing, sorry, just got a tad to caught up in my thoughts..", I said, thinking about the little nickname he had already given me.
He nodded. 
" Well , Mind sharin'?", He asked.
I tried to blow it off, saying, " It's nothing important, just thinking about family."
I could tell this started something, as he started to talk about his family.
I listened closely and he droned on about how his sister nearly flew herself off a tire swing and his mother. No mention of his father though, and I started to get a little curious.
He had never mentioned his father.

" What about your father? "
He looked at me, his smiling face turning into a flat frown, his eyes turning into a more strict look, clouding up a little.
I grew a little nervous.
His mouth opened, just as quick as it closed. He looked away, taking another shot.
He looked.. lost. Confused. I didn't know how to put it.
He looked at me, then away, standing up.
" It's getting late. " He said in a gruff and harsh voice.
I winced almost.
" Do- Do you have a car, I could-"
" I'm fine." He said strictly.
" I-" I stopped myself. I flattened my lips, looking at him, almost asking him to not leave.
I didn't want him to leave.
He turned, and headed for the door. I looked at him, worried, and a little shocked, not saying a word. He looked at me with a straight face, before opening the door, and leaving.
I stared at the door, before sighing and turning back.

Had I done something wrong?

-End of chapter-

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