Pregnant pt.2

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Brock’s POV

I’ve been anxiously waiting for him to be done and walk into the room. I’m currently laying on my bed staring at my phone, trying to buy time, waiting for him to walk inside.

My breathing hitched when I heard the door creak open. Marcel stood looking as hot as ever walking toward the bed.

“M-Marcel…” I stammered staring at him. He looked at me with curiosity before saying, “Yeah..?”

“I need to tell you something…” I stare at him while he stared back into my eyes. “What is it..?” He questioned coming over and sitting on the bed gently rubbing my hands.

I sigh before looking away, “I’m pregnant,” I said glancing, seeing a smile form on his face.

“Really..? Finally, I’ve been wanting to have kids with you,” He said giving me a bear hug.

“Okay… But how are we going to tell our friends..?” I questioned kinda whispering. 

“They’re coming over next week so we can tell them then,” He said kissing my lips that turned into a making out session.

*1 week later*

Everyone was there Tyler, Craig, Brian, Marcel (Duh), Scotty, Anthony (Panda), Lui, David, Evan, and Jon (Shocking).

“We have an announcement,” Marcel said watching as everyone turned around to us. 

“What is it..?” David said with curiosity.

“Can you say it..?” I whisper to Marcel. He nodded happily.

“Brock is pregnant,” He announced causing gasps that turned into cheers. 

*After labor*

Twins, they were twins. One was black and had a mixture of me and marcel in it and the other one was white and had a face like marcels.

It was the happiest time of my life.

*The End*

  Hope you enjoyed the second part. Well, the last part of this story. I will continue at story ideas. I have though of a couple and have finished one. If you guys have any ideas I would love to hear them..

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