2. The Courtyard

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Tsukishima sits against a tree and puts his headphones back on and blasts the music. He stares off into the distance. Rolling hills and tall metal buildings fill the skyline. The sun burns onto Tsukishima feet as he kicks them out from the tree. He's so relaxed he begins to drift in and out of reality.

He's in the Jurassic time period. Walking with dinosaurs, running in water with the babies and climbing trees as if he was 8. Suddenly, the sky screams and fire rains down onto the dry trees. Wind picks up and grows the fire into a tsunami of flames, destroying all in its path. He tries to save the fallen children of the dinosaurs but can't get them out. Rocks begin to fall, along with the fire. The ground shakes and knocks everything off its normal stance. A big rock comes from the sky. Falls right towards him. Right on top of him. Meters, feet, inches, centimeters...


A rock hits Tsukishima on the side of his head and turns to see the messy hair boy back.

"Having some sort of nightmare there?" He mocks.

"No. You woke me up." Tsukishima replies quickly.

"Uhuh. Well then why were you asking for help to save the baby dinos?" Tsukishima turns a pink from embarrassment.

"Fine. I had a bad dream. Why are you here? I thought you stayed in the cafeteria." He says.

"Had to ask your team what your name is, Tsukishima."


"Well you won't tell me so I asked someone else." Kuroo sits down next to Tsukishima under the tree. A bit close for Tsukishima's liking so he scoots over a bit.

"So..." Kuroo attempts to start conversation.

"Why are you talking to me. I don't want new friends thank you. I'm just here for volleyball." He interrupts Kuroo. "Why me anyway."

"Well you looked a bit lonely and you're a smartass so I'm going to follow you whether you like it or not. So start getting used to it." Kuroo laughs a bit and stands up. "My team plays Fukurodani in about 45 minutes. If you want to watch us play to get some tips-" he gets interrupted again.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need any help from you." Kuroo grabs his bag that was on the ground and begins to walk.

"I'll be waiting for you glasses." He says as he walks away from the blonde completely. Tsukishima sits and registers what was just told to him. He immediately begins to blush profoundly.

Did he just say he'll be waiting for me at his game? Tsukishima starts to wonder. So, should I go? I probably should learn more about their attacking and defense for our team. Yeah, I might as well. But not to see Kuroo. Defiantly not. He pulls out his phone

1:15 His game starts at 2 

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