28. Yamaguchi Tadashi

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My name is Yamaguchi Tadashi

Im 16 years old

I go to Karasuno High School with my best friend Tsukishima

I call him Tsukki

Weve been friends for a really long time

He doesnt like to admit im his best friend

He and mom convinced me to write about myself

Ive never writen in a jurnal before


i think im in love with my best friend

Yamaguchi tears the page out of a small kitten shaped notebook. He crumples it up and throws it on the ground. 

He repositions himself on his desk chair. He looks out his bedroom window, sad. 

Yamaguchi always suffered bad anxiety and depression growing up. It became less of a problem when he started volleyball in middle school. He figured he'd get beat up and made fun of because he was a boy who played a girl sport, but Tsukishima was there to chase all his demons away. He eventually started following the abnormally tall boy around. Yamaguchi didn't mind not being noticed or appreciated, he knew the blonde cared for him.

Yamaguchi was too anxious for the possibility of abandonment, so he never spoke up or spoke out. Tsukishima noticed he was quiet but didn't care much about it. It was then the olive haired boy began to develop a crush to his best friend.

The shorter boy didn't have much friends other than Tsukishima, so he didn't tell anyone about it. He kept to himself his like for the obnoxious blonde.

It was until their first Nekoma game.

Tsukishima would catch glances at the tall raven haired boy. Yamaguchi became incredibly jealous. He tried to spend all the time he had with the blonde. 

One day after school, Yamaguchi invited Tsukishima over. He agreed and they both walked to the shorter boys house.

"It's been a while hasn't it Tsukki? Several months since you've been over." Yamaguchi says as he opens a door for the taller boy. Tsukishima nods and walks in. He sets his bag on a small grey couch.

Yamaguchi's house wasn't very big. His parents split as a kid. His dad left him and his mom alone. His dad made the money that supported the 3, but when he left, he didn't leave anything for them. His mom had to work several jobs for a while. They had enough money to buy a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house a few blocks from his middle school. But before that, Yamaguchi spent most his middle school at Tsukishima's house, figuring he didn't have much a house anyway. His mom would work all hours of the day, come home for a few hours, then leave for her next shift. He spent several nights at a time at Tsukishima's. They both grew incredibly close during his predicament. Tsukishima's mom was helpful and opened her house most of the time. Along with Akiteru. He gave portions of his own paycheck to the Yamaguchi's to help out as much as he could. Tsukishima liked to joke that it was to get him away. Yamaguchi just laughed it off as much as he could. But once she bought the small house, things started going a bit smoother. His mom receded to 2 jobs and weekends off. He ended his middle school with a financially stable mother and a close best friend.

"I guess it has" Tsukishima says, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a muffin that was sitting in a bowl.

Yamaguchi snaps out of his past trance. He smiles and walks into the living room and turns on the TV. "Any requests Tsukki?" He beams at the taller boy in the kitchen. Tsukishima was still eating the muffin, but smiles as he said, "Recovery channel" 

Yamaguchi giggles as he switches to an ancient aquatic episode. Tsukishima walks towards the shorter boy, holding about 4 muffins.

"Tsukki!?" Yamaguchi laughs surprised that the skinny boy is eating so much.

"E're gooh!" Tsukishima says, mouth full. "dih yo mae heem?"

Yamaguchi starts laughing louder as he nods.

"Yes I made those"

Tsukishima finishes a muffin. "Give me the recipe" He shoves half a muffin in his mouth.

"Okay Tsukki" He smiles and turns to face the fair sized TV several feet away from the 2 on the small couch. 

Yamaguchi looks back on his fun times with his best friend. He fiddles with his hands as he stands with his best friend's older brother and mom, while his best friend himself was in the hospital. Kuroo was running around getting answers to a problem that newly came up.


That's a whole different story

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