35. Whoospy

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"He called you Tetsuro" Tsukishima says, quietly, still wincing in pain. 

"He got a lot of blood out of you!" Kuroo says, brushing off the comment. He knows why Daisho said what he said, along with knowing exactly where he is. "Aren't you at a huge loss of blood?" 

"I'm fine Kuroo," Tsukishima turns away from where the deep voice is.

"Whatever. Kuroo's first name is Tetsuro, and Tsukki's all bloody and practically dead. We need to find a way out of this place." Bokuto spoke up, his voice full of anger and worry.

Yamaguchi makes a sound of agreement.

"Well, what do we know so far?" Bokuto starts the discussion.

"We know that we're in a room somewhere, and that Tsukki is valuable and that Daisho is a psychopath." Yamaguchi says.

"We're in the old part of the hospital..." Kuroo says. Tsukishima lifts his head. Kuroo knows where everyone is even though he just woke up. It took Tsukishima several small views of the room to figure it out.

"How do you-" Tsukishima attempts to say.

"I've been here before." Everyone except Bokuto seems surprised.

"Yeah. I never made it this far, but I know it" He says.


"Not the time for backstory, we need a way to get out, and I can take us from there." Kuroo stops what ever story could've been told.

"Why are you so desperately avoiding it-" 

"Because it's not a good time!" Kuroo snaps at Yamaguchi, silencing the boy. "Look, I know it's mysterious and you guys want to know, but it's really not the time for it." Kuroo slumps back, feeling guilty at his outburst.

"Whatever you guys, we still need a way to get out" Bokuto says, knowing what happened.

Everyone sits, not talking, thinking ways to escape.

"It's only a matter of time until we start to feel the effects of what's happened" Tsukishima says weakly. His body taking the most damage, the one that Daisho needs the most.

"I agree" Kuroo feeling his broken forearm, wincing in pain as well as Tsukishima. 

Everyone goes back into mute, the silence almost unbearable.

"I don't know about you guys, but I hate this room's lighting. It's so blinding" Bokuto says, sighing of boredom. He wants to back and spike with Akaashi.

Yamaguchi gasps. "We can go after him once he turns on the lights. It'll be a short amount of time, but it's a gap!" He says, excited.

"Good idea Bokuto" Kuroo says. Bokuto giggles, not knowing anything he just did. "Although it's likely Daisho AND the big guy. That's going to be a lot more difficult than just one. We're gonna have to run at him together."

"Because Tsukishima can totally run." Yamaguchi says sarcastically.

"We can carry him, it'll be fine," Kuroo replies.

"Ya, and how are we supposed to do that when he's literally chained." Yamaguchi isn't even trying to be polite anymore. Kuroo has been on his nerve before the camp even started.

"What?" Kuroo never knew he was chained to the floor.

"He's chained, can't you hear?" Kuroo starts to get angry as well.

"How was I supposed to know that?" He says.

"Look with those creepy eyes of yours! You're already glued onto Tsukki!" Yamaguchi starts yelling. His built up anger begins to peak through.

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