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     When Raze went to the kindergarten his life changed, at least he now got a friend. His friend's name is Hazer. Now Raze had realise that he was blesses with an athletics gift. He played football with Hazer on his team. Hazer was really skillful. They both always win a lot of competition for the yellow sporthouse but it was all good until he broke his bones in many place. Unfortunately, he actually had a lot of haters because a popular woman in the kindergarten, Azirawati fell in love with him but always been ignored by him. He always had a fight with Adam.

   One day, his kindergarten arranged a visit to the zoo and luckily it was a favourite place for Raze whom actually love animals. The kids were allowed to roam as long as they had a zookeeper or a teacher with them. So, Raze and Hazer went to a zookeeper to show them the places of the animals. They were brought to the wolf cage. The zookeeper asked if there are anyone whom brave enough to go inside the cage and Raze volunteered. A zookeeper told him to not get too close to the animals while keeping an eye on him. An alpha wolf growled at him but when Raze who always observed and learnt to mimic the animals sounds started to howl and communicate with the wolf, the wolf became calm and accepted him as one of them. The wolf even let him to pet its head. Everyone watched the jawdropping events in awe including the zookeepers. However Adam was not happy since he hated Raze. An oblivious idea suddenly came into his mind.

        Adam wanted to show people that Raze as a scadery-cat. "Raze, I got a suggestion. If you really brave, then why don't you take a python  and take a picture  with it?" Raze just smirked and he knew about Adam's plan. However little did Adam know that Raze really love animals to the extend that he would not be too afraid of predators. Everyone was shocked to hear Adam suggestion because even hearing the idea sent chills down their spines. "Why not?!" Raze replied. Then they went to the place and Raze really just did it. Unexpectedly, Azirawati walked to Raze's side and did the the same. Raze was not comfortable with the almost zero milimetre gap. Azirawati took the opportunity and whispered to Raze's left ear, "I love you." Raze just looked at her and sighed. After that they continue their trips and went back to their kindergarten.
    Everyday, Raze would find a love letter under his desk that he would later threw into the trashbin. He was blessed by God, the ability to have a brain with amazing analyzation and imagination skills. He would tell his teacher about a new science theory that he got in his head and his teacher would always replied "How about you went to a good university in the future and do an investigation about your theory and tell the world about it?" The teacher said with a smile on her face but tears were dropping due to the mix of feelings between happiness because she got a brilliant kid in the kindergarten, with frustation because the kid said something logical and could do a lot of research despite of his young age that even she couldn't do.

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