last moment of kindergarten.

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      Raze was going to a ceremony held by his mother's boss. When he arrived there, he saw a man that he always knew, the man is Hazer. Hazer told him that his father was my mother's boss. I was shocked but it was not as shocking as a things that would happen later in his life.
    One day, Raze was chosen by the teacher to be a master of ceremony for a festival held by the kindergarten and he also need to be a story-teller. The festival went well until it came when they need to do a show. While the kids were dancing in a traditional way, they felt something was not right, yet they could pass with flying colours.  Then it came the time for them to departed. Azirawati went to Raze and told that she would be waiting for him to become her husband in the future. However Raze just showed a cold face and went back.
       Little did Raze knew that she was thinking about him all the time even in the flight to a western country that she needed to go because of his father's job requirement. She spent the first night walked down the street of the western country alone when she found Hazer. Hazer told her that he went to the same school that she went and he would be protecting her for Raze.

       To be continued....

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