Chapter 3

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Luke’s POV

It feels like 80% of my school life is spent walking through hallways. Or looking for Tamsin… usually both at the same time.

The final bell just rung and truth be told, that makes me very happy… it’d be even better if I could find Tamsin because she’s gone again.

Sly bitch.

For about 5 minutes I’ve been wandering the corridors in search of my doe-eyed friend and I actually think she’s been kidnapped this time, but knowing that our lockers are just around the next corner, I start making my way towards them.

“You better stay in your lane, whore.”

“Why would I do that? You just need to keep your dog on his leash, we don’t want rabies.”

Turning the corner, I see a small crowd gathered around my locker, with what sounds like a fight occurring in the middle of it.

Walking up to the crowd, I stand up on my toes to peer over everyone’s heads, only to see Tamsin and Erin having a screaming match. They’re both positively fuming, Erin looking close to punching someone.

“How fucking dare you insult him! He did absolutely nothing wrong! All he wanted was to chill with your ugly-ass friend and not only did he get rejected, it’s like he got mentally scarred. He’s been shaking for over 2 hours!“ 

“Not my problem.”

“Okay, I’ll ask you one more time, and if I don’t get a reasonable answer, I’ll break your nose.”

“Fine with me.”

All eyes are on Erin as she approaches Tamsin, leaning foreword to look directly into her eyes, continuing to tower over her, as she’s a good few inches taller.

Through gritted teeth, Erin literally growls out the words, “What. Did. You. Say. To. Him?”

All Tamsin does is blink slowly a few times before smiling cynically up at Erin, then uttering out a single word.


It’s like everything goes slow motion from there. Erin practically launches herself onto Tamsin, knocking them both to the ground.

With Erin on top, she uses her weight to hold Tamsin down as she throws a punch straight into her nose, the hallway echoing with a definite CRACK!

Smiling triumphantly, Erin states, “Gave you a warning, didn’t I? So there’s your broken nose, you asshole.”

I try pushing my way to the front as I see Tamsin flip them over with ease, ultimately taking control of the situation. Punch after punch is thrown at Erin as Tamsin’s powers start to take over her senses.

I’ve got to get her out of here.

Finally managing to struggle my way to the front, I hastily make my way over to Tamsin, only to be almost deafened by an ear-piercing scream of absolute pain.

In one swift motion, Erin had morphed her nails into tiger-like claws and scratched Tamsin straight down the left side of her face, then retracted said claws before any of the humans could see.

The only reason I caught it was because I can sense when supernatural powers are being used. Blood immediately starts sliding down past her chin and dripping onto the floor.

Fucking shapeshifters.

I had managed to rush to Tamsin’s side and grabbed a hold of her before she released her true self.

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