Chapter 1

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Authors note:

So reader-chan if the story isn't good just leave a comment down below so I can adjust it according to your suggestions.

And if it's good and you like it, in advance thanks for reading.

Your POV


"Enough Kacchan!"

I heard a familiar voice yell

"You already made her cry stop it!"

"I won't let you bully her any further!"

I rose my head to see my brother yelling at Kacchan, with tears in his own eyes.

I was crying my eyes out calling for my brother between sobs, I knew he couldn't do anything against the bullies, but I was grateful that he at least tried to protect me.

"So Deku the quirkless wonder..."


"... thinks he can play Hero, HuH?"

I heard Kacchan say activating his quirk, with his two goons beside him.

...are not born equal.

I was scared out of my mind. I was scared not about myself, but about what will happen to my brother if I didn't do it, it won't end well.

I needed to protect him.

I need to, No I will!

That's the hard through I learnt at age 4.

And that was the moment I spread my black wings, to shield and protect my brother, it hurts like hell but I needed to suck it up and be strong.

But that...

The attackers stood there, in awe speechless, seeing the sight before them.

Katsuki was dumbfounded, little did he know that he unconsciously developed feelings for this little girl.

...was my first and last setback.

My brother looked up from his defensive position because he didn't feel the pain of explosions anymore, he observed what was happening and then saw me protecting him with my black wings.

To my Surprise he stopped crying, I wiped his remaining tears with my sleeves, and then he smiled at me, the brightest smile I'd ever seen him wear.'

Meanwhile during the exchange between the two siblings Katsuki and his goons ran away.

" Baby sis you finally got your quirk I'm so proud of you!

And also those wings are dazzling on you.

Let's go!

Let's go tell Mom that you got your quirk."

He said happily.

He extended his hand towards me, I looked at it for a few seconds and gladly took it, I loved holding hands with Big Brother.

During the journey towards our apartment, he fanboyed about my quirk.

I really love this side of him, it's funny and his mumbling is cute in a way.

After all that walking we finally arrived at the front door of our house.

Izuku opened the door and called out for

She instantly ran from the kitchen to the front door asking him what happened.
Because he was covered in dirt with little cuts on his hands.

He didn't mention anything about what happened earlier, but he said that I got my quirk.

Mom suddenly throws herself at us, giving us a bear hug it was so tight that we couldn't even breed.

"My baby girl is finally growing up!"

"Okay you two tomorrow we will be going to the doctor to check your quirks."

Our mom said happily.

"Now go take a bath you two, and come down for dinner, it will be ready in five minutes."

Time skip after bath and dinner:
( Sorry guys I'm lazy)

~In the bedroom~

Mom covered us with the blankets and kissed us goodnight.

I cuddled up to my All Might plushie but I couldn't fall asleep.

So I turned towards my brother's bed and when I did, I saw that he wasn't sleeping either.

But instead, he was staring at me.

And eventually, I remembered that I didn't say thank you for protecting me alier from the bullies.

"Big bro!?"

"Yes, little sis?"

"T-Thank you for saving me earlier."

He smiled and got up from his bed, and walked towards mine he got under my covers and laid his head on my cushion.

"You're welcome little sis, it's the least I can do I'm your big brother after all."

He internally thought to himself, next time I will be stronger and I'll protect her even if it cost my life.

He embraced me with his hands.

They were really warm and comforting I felt myself drifting off to dreamland, and so we both fell to a deep slumber.

Author's note:

"So reader-chan that is all for the first chapter if you need me to add something else, or you have some suggestions for the future chapters feel free to add them to the comments."

"I think that's enough so, Peace out!"

Oh, reader-chan I almost forgot I have a YouTube channel if you want to check it out click the video below.

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