5: Fragments and Ghosts

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'Often when we guess at others' motives, we reveal only our own.' Mara Sov

Audio Log 2 - Hidden

It's getting harder and harder to hide what Ghost and I are. During the scrapyard mission, I instinctively kept going to use my light only to remember where I am and not use it. I want to tell them but... I'm scared. Scared of what they'll do, how they'll act... How they'll feel. I've never been like most Hunters. Hunters are lone wolves and I respect those who go alone by choice, more power to them. But whenever I go alone, it's seldom by choice. I love working with a team. It's comforting knowing that I have someone to watch my back. But most hunters I know, with a few exceptions, reject the idea of a fireteam. Warlocks don't like Hunter's brash nature and most Titans don't bother with us. 'Too small' as most would say. So when Anthony, my Titan buddy, asked me to join the fireteam he was creating, I accepted. While I'm a gunslinger by nature, I never try to go alone. That's why I'm scared. I've lost Cayde to Uldren and Fireteam Daybreak to the Vex. I'm not losing another family. I won't.

End Log

Third-Person Perspective

Wash: I expected it to be... bigger.

York: Why? You've seen mine. It's small too.

Hawaii: You've also seen mine, Wash.

Wash: Yeah, (to York) but he's green (to Hawaii) and he looks off compared to Yorks.

Hawaii: Am I supposed to be offended by that?

York: How does that even make sense?

North: Hey Wash, quit staring. You're making it nervous.

Wash: Yeah, it's just... they're so small!

York: Small, yeah! But you wouldn't believe what it can do!

North: Besides, you better get used to it. You're going to have one of your own, soon enough.

South comes to see what they're all looking at

South: (scoffs) Give me a break.

South walks away.

North: It's alright Theta, come on out. People just want to say hello to you.

The camera pans down to reveal Theta, a blue and red multi-colored A.I., hiding behind North's left leg

Theta: (in a child-like voice) I don't know. There are so many of them. And they're so... big.

Wash: See! I'm not the only one who thinks size is important.

Hawaii: Stop. Please.

York: I'm just going to let that one go...

North: It's okay Theta. They're all friends of mine. For reasons beyond my comprehension.

Hawaii: (playfully) Screw you too, North.

Theta appears above North's shoulder

Theta: They're looking at me.

North: That's because they want to meet you. This is York, Hawaii, and Wash.

Hawaii: Hello.

Wash: Hey there little....computer....dude.

York: Give it a rest, Wash. Theta. Hawaii and I have friends just like you. Their names are Delta and Ghost.

Theta appears in front of York.

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