16: Leaving the Idiots In Charge

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'Fitting your Traveler would send you to face me once more. Look upon me. Dominus of the Red Legion, annihilator of suns, razer of a thousand worlds, slayer of gods, and conqueror of the Light! I... AM... GHAUL! And I have become legend!' Gary - I mean Ghaul

Voices are heard conversing over the radio.

Smith: (voice-over) Red team, this is Blue team. We are in position, how copy? Over.

Simmons' Lieutenant: (voice-over) Blue team, this is Red team. I copy, Blue in position. Over.

Smith: (voice-over) Gold team, this is Blue team. All units are in position and awaiting further instructions, what is your status? Over.

Gold team doesn't answer.

Smith: (voice-over) Gold team 2-3, this is Blue team 1-2. Radio check, over.

Bitters: (voice-over) Uh yeah, we're here Blue team.

Smith: (voice-over) Gold team, I repeat, what is your status? Over.

Bitters: (voice-over) Uhhh...We're pretty good?

Smith: (voice-over) What?

Bitters: (voice-over) Actually, uh, we were wondering if we could maybe change our name to, uh, Orange team.

Smith: (voice-over) What difference does it make?!

Cut to Grif on the radio.

Grif: You tell them it makes a big difference Bitters because I am orange! I am not gold! I am not yellow! I am fucking orange!

Simmons: Grif!

Grif turns to look at Simmons and Caboose standing beside a door.

Simmons: Get off the radio. The teams are fine.

Grif: The teams suck.

Simmons: You're gonna blow our cover.

Grif: Uhhh. Alright, we'll be Gold.

Grif flips Simmons off and speaks on radio.

Grif: Go tell the Blue team to suck a dick and then get in position.

Bitters: Whatever you say, Captain.


Grif walks up to where Simmons and Caboose are.

Simmons: We're infiltrating an enemy base and you're bitching about colors?

Grif: It's a misleading title, people could get confused!

Simmons: Oh shut up!

Simmons faces the security door behind him and crouches.

Caboose: No he's right, I'm confused.

Simmons: Caboose, you're always confused.

Caboose: Well that sounds confusing.

Simmons uses some sort of hacking tool to hack the passcode lock.

Simmons: Whoo. Okay, doors opening in approximately fifteen seconds.

Grif: Yeah, yeah.

Simmons: Oh man, what if this doesn't work?

Grif: Probably won't.

Simmons: What if it's a trap?

Grif: Probably is.

Simmons: What would Sarge say in a time like this?

Grif: Shut it, Simmons.

Simmons: Probably. Yeah.

The Freelance Guardian (Red vs Blue x Destiny)[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now