ADP - Android Development Project

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Hi! I'm Meryl Aldin, a robotics developer. I work in a famous company named Flynn Co. which produces high tech machines and robots. I have joined a couple of months ago. Here, people are obsessed with their work. So, anyone barely talks to each other. In short, the environment is not quite friendly. My boss, Rick is the director of our branch. He is tall, fair and brown-haired. There are very few female co-workers, who do not have a crush on him. But who knows why he ignores them. On the other hand, he behaves friendly with me. He values my opinion.....I don't know why he behaves differently with me. Maybe, he likes me.....or not. I don't care because my thought about Rick is very clear. He is only my boss and superior to me. Unlike other co-workers, I do not have a crush on him. And most importantly, I am focused on my professional relationship with my co-workers, juniors and seniors. I do not wish to have anything personal. This is all about my current love life. My previous love life...... was a disaster. Though, I won't quite say it was "love". It was more like attraction or infatuation......perhaps. Not love. But, hopefully, I moved on quickly. Now, I am leading a peaceful life. Though, I feel something or, should I say "someone" - is missing in my life. But, for now, I am content with what I have. Let's see what happens in future.

Anyway, today Rick called me to meet him at a café. He said he had to discuss something important. I wonder, what is so urgent that he could not talk about it in the office. Anyhow, I've reached the café. I arrived a few minutes earlier. So, I take a seat beside the window and order two latté. After a few minutes, I see Rick. He is wearing a well-tailored suit and has a professional look on his face. He smiles at me and comes closer to hug me. But, instead of doing the same, I expand my hand towards him to shake hands. He stops at his pace immediately and shakes his hand with an embarrassing look.

I smile at him.

He takes a seat and smiles awkwardly.

Rick: Have you ordered something or should I?

Me: No, it's fine thanks. I've already ordered two latté if that's okay.

Rick: Oh, that's fine. Thanks.

[ A waiter comes up to our table with two cups of latté. ]

Waiter: Enjoy ma'am, sir.

[ We thank the waiter and take a sip of the delicious looking creamy latté. ]

Rick: So, let's get down to business, shall we?

Me: Sure. I've Been waiting to know what's the matter.

Rick: ( Straightens himself ) The information and task that I'm going to share with you are..... quite confidential. It's related to the company and its owners, so it must not be known by a third party.

Me: I assure you, Rick no one's gonna know about this.

Rick: Thank you. Now, first I must tell you what this is all about. For the past few years, Flynn Co. was working on a secret project. The project was to build the most advanced androids in the world. But, due to technical difficulties and misfunction, all the humanoids we created previously were either dismantled or destroyed. But, now finally we have achieved our goal and successfully created the most advanced and powerful androids in the world. The capability of these androids is beyond imagination. But, the only problem is that- for now, we have created only three androids. The rest of them are in progress. This android can do a lot of things that humans can and cannot do. They are human friendly and they're designed just like humans. They are waterproof. Outside their metal body, is their artificial human skin, which is made of thick layers of silicon. They're also heatproof. They get energy from electricity. These androids have a battery which, they must charge regularly. Otherwise, their system will overload and they might work abnormally. Their hair is attached to silicon skin and is not removable. Unlike human skin, their skin cannot be damaged but, it most certainly can develop wrinkles. The androids are created using a very advanced technology, which makes their batteries work efficiently for a long time, without charge. The androids can live up to 50 to 60 years. After that, gradually their batteries will stop working which can cause them severe damage. And most importantly, they can destruct themselves whenever they want. They have a self-destruction mode. They can use it, if necessary. But, the androids are restricted to do so. So, this was all the essential and elaborated information about the androids.

Me: That.....was a lot to take. But, hopefully, I have understood everything. I have one question.

Rick: Sure, ask.

Me: After their batteries stop working, what is most likely to happen?

Rick: Good question. I accidentally skipped that part. Well, you see, after their batteries stop working, gradually they will stop working too. And one day, they will be forced to shut down.

(I cannot believe this. Is it really possible? Well, it is terrible.)

Me: That's very sad.

Rick: Well, this is how the androids work.

I sigh after listening to Rick's cruel words.

Me: But, what do I have to do with all this?

Rick: ( Chuckles ) Nothing much. You will just have to live with the androids for a few months and you must inform me about the development of their relationship with you. And most importantly, you must think of these androids as your boyfriends and act accordingly and equally.

Me: ( Shocked ) Sorry, what????

Rick: Actually, it is your main job to teach these androids about love and human emotions. You must do your job without any hesitation. You will get plenty of opportunities to go on dates with each android. Don't forget to inform me about their progress and always make sure to treat them equally. For this job, you'll get a pretty house from the company where you will live for a few months with the androids. You can use anything in the house as you wish. By chance, if something gets broken, it will immediately be replaced by the company, free of cost. And if you face any problem, I am always ready to help.

Me: Thanks. But, why me? There are thousands of workers at Flynn Co. I am sure they won't reject the offer. More importantly, I joined this company just a month ago. Many people are more experienced than me. You should assign them.

Rick: I know. But, you are the only one who is capable of this job. You are kind, honest and efficient. More importantly, you are very patient. This is a job that needs a lot of concentration and patience. For, which I and Mr. Flynn think you are perfect for this job. So, please, I insist. I request you to accept the offer.

Me: ( Sigh ) Fine, I accept the offer. I am doing the work only because it is a part of my job. But, if I face any kind of problem that I cannot handle, I will immediately move away.

Rick: Deal. And thank you for accepting the offer.

Me: Oh, it's.....fine.

Rick: I almost forgot to tell you, you will have to stay in the house with the androids for quite a long time. So, pack your bags accordingly and meet me tomorrow morning.

Me: Where should I meet you?

Rick: Oh, sorry! I didn't mention it earlier. I'll email you the address. And I hope to see you there on time.

Me: Roger!!!

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