Androids can't be that troublesome....Right?

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Rick: Okay, so it's your job to spend time with the Three Musketeers, analyze their behaviour and give me every details.

Me:(Shocked) Wait, WHAT??? I did not agree for this!

Rick:( Hard expression) What are you saying?

Me: I did not know that, I'll have to live with three men, alone in a house.

Rick: ( Angrily ) Oh, for A.I's sake, Meryl! They are androids, not humans.

Me: Still, I cannot do this. They might be android for us, but they are fully grown men for the world. So, I think you should find someone else suitable for this job.

Rick: ( Sad ) Please, Meryl! You don't understand. If we are succeeded in this project, we can help many people. These androids can not only be their companions, they can also be useful to the country. Because, you know that they can do many things that humans cannot.

Me: ( Angrily ) But, they cannot fill the place of a human companion.

Rick: I insist, please. You should give it a shot. Their capability is beyond anyone's imagination. If they are trained properly, they can do anything. And, most importantly, the company has been working hard for years, to build these androids. All the hard works will go in vain.

Now, after listening all these, I don't know what to say.

Me: Fine, but I'll back off immediately, if I have to face any dangerous issue.

Rick: Of course. Thank you very much.
I nod politely.

Rick leaves, leaving me alone with the three androids. I know that this task is a part of my job. Yet, I feel so weird. " Zea, focus on work. " I try to comfort my mind. The androids are staring at me blankly. I too, don't know how to start a conversation as.....things got a little bit awkward between us. But, I must try to talk to them normally.

Me: Well.... guys..... about earlier.... I'm sorry.  I think I overreacted. You were just carrying out your commands.
They look at me in surprise (almost their mouth agape ) as if I have told them something very serious.

Kai: ( Surprised ) You are apologising to us? Androids?

Jake and Shane are also looking at me with the same astonishment  in their eyes. I feel a bit shy.

Me: uhhhh.... is it wrong?

Kai: No, I mean, nobody's ever said sorry to us before.

Shane: Yeah. There were many rude scientists in the lab, who experimented on us like lab rats.

Jake: But, we are happy that you are not like them.

Me:( I feel pity for them. Poor androids. ) I'm very sorry to hear that. But, you see.....not all the people are evil. There are many good people too. Now, let's forget what happened in the past and focus on the present. Shall we?
The androids nod happily.

Me:( I smile ) Okay, so let me introduce myself. My name......

Shane: Oh, no need. We know everything about you.

The others nod in agreement.

Me: ( I raise an eyebrow ) And what exactly do you know?

Shane: We know everything about your family, your parents, your birth date, your birth place, your birth time, your primary school, middle school, high school, college, job, your monthly income, your love life,.......

Myself: Stop. I get it.

Jake: We have all sorts of informations about you.

Myself: Yeah. I thought so. Okay guys, enough about me. Tell me something about yourselves.

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