Who's in the attic?

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Kai: Why are you lying? I know, I made it unbearably spicy.
Shane and Jake look at each other in shock.
Shane: What!?
Kai: Yes, I tasted it before serving.
I can't hold the pain anymore. So, I rush towards the refrigerator and grab a whole bottle of cold water. I don't even bother to pour it in the glass. Within a minute I empty the whole bottle.
Now, I am feeling much better than before. The androids are staring at me, dumbstruck.
Me: What?
Kai steps forward with a serious look on his face.
Kai: ( Serious expression ) Why did you lie when I asked you about the food?
Kai's strong gaze is on me. While, Shane and Jake look confused.
I don't know what to say. So, I simply smile.
Me: It's your first time cooking. Most importantly, you've worked so hard to prepare this. So, it would be cruelty, if I told you the truth. And honestly, I don't care about the outcome. I am just glad that you tried. So, thank you.
The three musketeers stare at me, in silence. Suddenly, Shane breaks the awkwardness.
Shane: I thought telling lies is bad.
Me: Well, it is definitely bad. But, hurting someone's feelings is worse.
Jake: But I'm afraid, as androids we don't have feelings. We simply process the situation and act accordingly.
Oh! I totally forgot that. But, I can't suddenly act like, " I don't care whatever I say to the androids, because they have no feelings." It would be very rude. So, with a lost of words, I simply sigh. And tell them-
Me: Sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have lied. All I want to say is that- I don't care about the fact that you guys are androids. So, I will treat you like humans. After all, someday you guys will have to face the real world. Where, you would be helping other humans. So, it is important for you to act like a human.
The Three Musketeers share a satisfied look with each other. As if, they are pleased to hear my reply.
Kai: I'm very sorry. I should not have behaved like this.
Shane and Jake: We are sorry too.
Shane: But, it looks like our lunch is ruined.
Me: It's okay Shane. We can order food, online.
Kai: That won't be necessarry.
We all look at Kai in astonishment.
Kai: Behold, for the dessert.
He takes out a large dish of dessert from the refrigerator.
Kai: Here, try this cheesecake.
All four of us take a large piece of the cheesecake on our plates and try it.
As soon as I take a bite, the smoothness and creamy test of the cake cool down my tastebuds. The slightly sugary-salty test feels amazing. I wonder if the Three Musketeers enjoying it, as much as I am. I have already forgotten that I had tasted a horribly spicy dish a few minutes ago.
Me: Kai, you have prepared it like a proffessional chef. Who will believe it is your first time.
Kai looks red. For a moment, I think he's blushing. But, I guess it's just my imagination.
Kai: Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
Me: Believe me, I love it.
I enjoy the rest of my meal with the three of them.
After, we are finished eating, I, Shane and Jake help Kai clean up the dishes.
The four of us are sitting on the sofa, in the living room. Kai, Shane and Jake are watching a movie. And I am reading a manual about the androids.
Suddenly I here a loud noise. It is coming from the attic.
* Thud * Thud
( A few seconds later.....)
* Thud * Thud * Thud
Okay, now I am a bit worried. It looks like someone or something is moving rashly on the wooden floor of the attic.
I turn to the androids-
Me: Uhhhh......guys do you hear that......
Kai: What?
Me: A noise, that's coming from the attic.
They turn of the tv and try to hear the noise.
* Thud * Thud * Thud *
This time the sound of the noise is louder than before.
Me: Hear that?
Shane: I think it's mischievous rats.
Me: I hope that, the reason behind the noise is rats. But, I cannot wait here until the noise stops permenantly. I must go check upstairs and see. If it's really rats or something....... or ..... someone else.
I stand up from the couch to go to the attic. But, Jake stops me on my tracks.
Jake: Wait, Zenolia. I'll come with you, for your safety.
Me: Alright, you may come. But be sure to keep silence. Okay?
Jake: Okay.
I and Jake quietly snick up to the attic. We search the area, from were the sound is coming. But, in vain. Nothing is in here. Also, the noise has stopped. So, just as we are about to get out from there, a puppy comes out of nowhere and rubs it's body against my feet. I nearly jump. Then, I calm myself and bend down to take a closer look at the dog. And to my astonishment, it is a robot dog!
Me: Whoa, a robot dog?! What's it doing here?
Jake: Oh, so this is the reason of the noise.
Jake looks at the puppy with affectionate eyes. Then expands his arms to carry the robot dog.
Jake: C'mere, boy.
As jake motions it to come forward, the dog happily jumps onto Jake's arms. Jake grabs him firmly. The dog is looking happy. Well, though it is a robot dog, yet, it looks so adorable.
Jake: Zea! Meet our little friend, Fritz.
Fritz: *Whoof*whoof*
A couple heart shapes appear on the small screen, which apparently are fritz's eyes. Surprisingly anyone can see Fritz's emotions through the screen.
Jake: I think he likes you.
I smile at Fritz and pat its head.
Me: Who's a good boy?
Fritz: * Whoof * whoof *
He happily wags his tail.
We come downstairs. Kai and Shane are startled to see Fritz.
As soon as Fritz sees the both of them, he excitedly jumps onto Kai's lap. Kai scratches Fritz's head. Shane gently scoops Fritz in his arms.
Jake: This was our little " thief ".
Me: Looks like the mystery's solved. Moreover, we have found a cute little friend.
Fritz: *Whoof*Whoof*

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