Chapter 28

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Two weeks had gone by since... that day. The second day. I still can't believe that it happened twice. It was surreal, everything was surreal. 

My dad had some people come over to the big house and clean everything out of the basement. Once everything was out of there and organized in the garage, we closed and locked the basement door. Normally, people would move after something like this happened. But, we were never going to be able to find an accessible house with 7 bedrooms on such short notice. Moving was a major project, and it was more than my family could handle then.

Kieva and I hadn't gone back to school yet. I don't even remember calling the schools to let them know what had happened. I think maybe our parents did that, but we didn't ask any questions. Avery hadn't gone back yet either. Gracie wanted to stay home, so we let her. Eddie and Quinn were home. Hayden, however, thrives on routine, so he started going back after one week. Winnie went back too. A six-year-old staying home for two straight weeks was a recipe for disaster, so she was only home for one week. 

But, it had been two weeks, and we didn't want everyone to have a mountain of homework to catch up on, in addition to everything else. So, we planned on everyone going back to school after two weeks off. That would mark about a month since the first... incident. Last time, everyone was only off for a week, but this time was a little bit different. 

Monday morning, after getting ourselves and all the kids ready for school, Kieva and I were the last ones out the front door. I walked to my car but stopped before I opened the door. She turned to make her way to her car when her eyes met mine. "Good luck today," I told her.

"Yeah, good luck." She said before she came over to hug me. Despite the circumstances, it felt so good to have someone that was in nearly the same position as me. I think that's part of why we got along so well. Yes, we're sisters, and twins at that. But to be in such a unique situation and have one person that understands part of what you're going through? It means the world. 

I got in my car and drove to school, just as I had before all of this happened. It felt strange to drive the same route that I always had. You'd think that it felt normal, and it did, but something was different. I was missing something. 

I pulled into the senior parking lot to see that my normal spot was open, waiting for me to park in it. I was about ten minutes early. I was anxious about going back, about what my teachers would say, what they would ask, and what my friends would think. I was stressed, and nervous that people would judge me or get mad. Hopefully, my APUSH teacher wouldn't go off on me like he did last time. 

After sitting in the car for 7 or 8 minutes just centering myself, I got out, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and headed for the doors of the school. I saw groups of friends talking and laughing with each other as they entered the building. They were looking at pictures on their phones and talking about weekend plans. The world kept turning while I was gone.

I walked straight to my locker, noticing the familiar feeling of putting my books into my bag, then realizing I wasn't sure what classes I had that day. I glanced at my schedule, and it seemed that my body had gone on autopilot because I had put all of the right books for the day into my backpack. Shrugging to myself, I put my backpack on, put my coat in my locker, grabbed my phone, and headed to my first class: APUSH.

I was nervous about what my teacher would say. While weaved my way in and out of other people on my way to class, I thought about what I would say, where I would sit. As I turned down the hallway, I heard someone faintly call my name. I ignored it, thinking it was just in my head. I was stressed, it was bound to happen. As I neared the door to the classroom, I heard my name again, clearer this time. I turned around to find Tanner, my best friend. "Scarlett!"

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