taken through a vent

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"so... where's ross? where did he go? & where's rob at?"

andrew & joe scan the room blankly, now finding it much more empty than it was before. like when everybody leaves the cafeteria when the among us game starts. should i make these among us comparisons a staple in this story? i might.

"they were ejected."

"zubin we don't know what that means."

"they are gone."

joe & andrew clutch eachother & yell "nooooooo!!!" all dramatically like rob in death request. rob & ross are gone. where did they go??

all of their phones suddenly turn to the crewmate screen. they have won. the ground begins to shake as all their eyes land on the center of the pentagram that i honestly forgot existed. i had to go back & reread this story after i wrote it (it was hell, let me tell you. i dunno how some of y'all keep going with this.)

with a beep, ross & rob suddenly appear right back where they were. rob was no longer bleeding, though ross was still in a state of shock. joe ran over to help rob up while andrew tended to ross.


ross did not respond. he has brain damage.


ross again does not respond. seriously we need to get this story moving.


ross takes a sudden, obnoxiously long breath of air & starts screaming. just a really long "AAAAAAAAAAA" you get me? like when you are killed (SUSSY) in amongus when you were doing tasks. after a good solid minute or four of ross screaming he finally stops.

zubin is still standing next to the pentagram. "so you all now know the game is real."

"that was a neat magic trick, zubin" says andrew, who believes in magic, which is honestly kind of sus? i mean the among us imposter is clearly... you could say... "among" them. zubin has truly summoned him.

zubin's neck snaps to face andrew. "it is not magic. it is the among us imposter."

"so... among us imposter magic, then?" andrew

"NO." zubin is serious guys. he's not messing around anymore.

the other four tallies, now all good & chill, sit back in their respective corners of the pentagram. zubin is still standing, his hair once again blowing like an anime protag.

it is then rob realizes the window has been open this whole time & he gets up & shuts it & sits back down. zubin's hair continues to blow so it was just a huge waste of time honestly.

"well golly gosh!" the return of robish (horror movie). "that was a fun game! did you guys have fun?"

"NO" andrew & ross simultaneously yell. joe finishes a long draw from his blunt & then finally says "no" because he's cool & ross & andrew are not.

"im not cool??" ross wants to be cool.

"no ross you don't even have your own among us colour. zubin has dark blue, rob has yellow, andrew has lime, i have red. you don't even have a colour."

"why are you british. 'colour' why are you british."

joe might rap like an english chap & take you by the 'knickers' (& a bum he'll slap (super sus. can't trust. might be the imposter.))

"but i want to be cool" ross :(

"guys we are getting side tracked" 'control' by halsey is playing on the tally radio because zubin is an emo, brocken kid DO. NOT. MESS. WITH. HIM.

"no hold on" joe pulls a blunt from his pocket & gives it to ross. "now you are cool"

"thank you joe!"

"oh dear god, joe, you can't do that! he'll turn into the joker!!" says rob who isn't British anymore.

"guys" zubin keep your chin up king your emo black hoodie is falling.

"he's fine, rob" says joe, who is now eating his blunt.

"yeah rob. why so serious?"

all the tallies, excluding zubin, jump back away from ross. it's too late. he's already the joker.

in a panic rob starts the amogus game because maybe ross will be less sus this round.

we'll be back with more "tally hall amogus" after this brief commercial break.

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