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the meeting was over. the three remaining tallies are outside the closet rob died in. he has vanished. rob went to hell by the way for those wondering.

andrew, ross & "melancholy nightmare" ponder what to do next.

"so... what are our tasks? like... what do we do now?"

"you don't have tasks lmaoo". very funny zubposter.

"so... are we supposed to just die?" ross does the fingers poking eachother emoji thing. 👉👈 this if you can see it.


"so we can't win?" andrew said this. he takes a wad of spaghetti out of his pocket & puts it in his mouth, much to ross'confusion.

"nope. it's my turn to win. cope, bozos. 💀"

"... just like in real life." melancholy nightmare pulls a whole bong out of his pocket & smokes it. "i can't win, not even in among us."

"okay joe your emo gig isn't funny anymore, it's time to go."

suddenly joe is dragged down into the tally basement. did you know there's a basement in this house? there is now. for plot convenience. the basement door shuts behind him. his bong lies on the floor where he previously stood. ross & andrew state blankly at the stairs, then eachother, then back at the stairs.

they go down the stairs when the door opens. there's another door to a smaller room in the basement: the electrical closet.

"oh are you fucking serious" says andrew, f word & all.


the door to the electrical closet opens. joe is covered in natural ketchup. zubin laughs & begins to sing the mind electric. andrew & ross shake their heads at such a terrible joke.


"we get it zubposter" ross rubs his temples.

"thanks zubposter for killing joe. i hate emos!" andrew HATES emos.

"no problem!"

ross sighs. "do we report the body? what do we do, exactly."

"no point, really. won't do anything."

ross nods. the two sit on the floor like BOZOS. bezos. jeffrey bezos sus. bozos. anyway.

"man... this sucks!" ross hugs his knees. his face is covered by one of those anime shadows like rob's was not too long ago.

"yeah..." andrew pats ross on the back.

ross sniffles. "i just wanted to play among us..."

"oh my god not you crying too. i swear. it's just among us. it's literally just fucking among us. you guys are so fucking dramatic, & over what? among us? we've spent twelve fucking chapters playing among us & saying "sussy baka" over & over now you guys are fucking CRYING over this? what the fuck is this story even about anymore?? what the fuck are we doing here??!"


"i mean- yeah me too dude. it sucks."

"why did zubin get so angry... all we did was beat him." ross rubs his nose on his sleeve.

"well he got pissed joe won that one among us game. he wasn't supposed to. & then he got pissed when rob was the imposter that one time & zubin couldn't figure it out, which is kinda silly, since rob has an extensive history of killing his friends & getting away with it."

"... rob has what?"

"don't worry about it."

"that really doesn't make me feel better about anything."

"well, y'know what makes me feel better? look at this." andrew pulls up his collection of NFTs on his phone.

"okay absolutely fucking not." not even zubposter supports NFTs.

"what??! what's wrong with my NFTs??" andrew stands up & yells at zubposter, who isn't physically there. ross jumps up too. "i mean, look at this!"

 "i mean, look at this!"

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"what the fuck. literally everything is wrong with that. fuck that shit. not in my goddamn skeld."

"ugh..." andrew rolls his eyes. "c'mon ross let's go look at ugly apes together."

but that won't happen. ross will never get to look at andrew's ugly ass ape NFTs, because before he & andrew can leave to go look at them, ross hears an among us kill sound.

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