your cute

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Daniel walked through the tour bus, his eyes droopy. After working on the single 'With you this Christmas' 11/12 he was exhausted.

But by the time he got to his bunk, daniel realized they'd have to be up again in less then 2 hours. He shook his head, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Daniel?" The blond heard, he looked up, not seeing much since the area was dark.

But he knew that voice.


"Why you up so late?" Corbyn asked, yawning, he joined daniel on his bunk.

"The song" daniel responded, "I just had to make sure it was ready before release"

"With you as its sole producer, I'm sure. Your extremely talented." Corbyn slung his arm around daniel.

Daniel felt his cheeks heat up, but smiled, "thanks bean, but why are you up?"

"Cant sleep" corbyn admitted.

"Ah," daniel leaned against the older boy.

Corbyn smiled, "wanna cuddle?"

"Please" daniel agreed, wrapping his arms around Corbyn's neck.

It wasn't weird, the boys cuddled each other all the time.

Corbyn laid down, wrapping his arm around Daniel's waist. He within the first 2 minutes he heard daniel already asleep.

Corbyn let a chuckle escape his lips, "so cute" he kissed Daniel's forehead.


"Daniel, dani," the younger woke up to Corbyn shaking him.

"Mmmmm" daniel groaned, he nuzzled deep into Corbyn's chest.

Corbyn awed, but sighed, "I already talked the boys and tyler to let us drop out of one interview so you could sleep, but we have another one in a couple of hours and you need to eat"

Daniel widened his eyes, "what?! Corbyn!"

"Hun, you needed the rest. You were up all night" corbyn told daniel.

Daniel blushed at the name but sighed and agreed. He got down and grabbed his clothes, changing. He blushed as he saw Corbyn was staring at him.

"W-what?" Daniel asked.

Corbyn smirked, hugging daniels bare waist and placing a kiss to his shoulder. "Nothing, absolutely nothing" he answered, "except your cute"

Daniel blushed more, pushing corbyn away, "you flirt!"

Corbyn winked and smirked wider, "Sure, I'm a flirt, but I'm not a liar"


Daniel was still pretty tired, so when the boys got to the address of the interview, he reached for Corbyn. "Carry me"

Corbyn raised an eyebrow laughing, "excuse me?"

"Corby I'm tired" daniel whined, not moving, only holding his arms out for Corbyn.

The other boys watched, holding in their laughs.

"Your cute" corbyn sighed, lifting daniel, glaring at the boys, "dont say a word"


During the interview, corbyn sat next to Daniel, in the back behind the three boys.

"Corbyn, this ones for you"

Daniel, who was leaning against him, removed himself sitting up straight.

"Okay, bring it on" corbyn smiled, mentally frowning as he felt Daniel lift his head.

"Who's the cutest in the band?"

All the boys stared at Corbyn, corbyn just smirked, knowing his answer.

"Daniel" the blond turned to Daniel and grabbed his face, kissing the younger, "your cute"


I have no idea what dis was, I sorry for this.

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