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Daniel was finishing up work on a Friday night, getting ready to head back to his and his friends house, jonah. He grabbed his apple juice boxes and stuffed them into his bag, a relieved look on his face when he left.

Daniel locked the doors and began to walk home, he didn't like to drive. He loved walking.

It was really dark, as it should be for almost midnight. Daniel didn't necessarily like the dark, but he dealt with it anyway.

As daniel took a left, he started to hear soft footsteps behind him. He didnt want to look back, terrified of what he might see. But at the same time he wanted to know if it was his imagination or not.

He decided to ignore it and sped up his pace, the footsteps behind continued. He then gulped. He began to run, taking out his phone just in case.

But before he could press anything on his phone he was tackled to the ground.

"Nice try babe" a soft yet scary voice spoke into his ear.

Daniel felt a cloth placed around his face, he refused to breath. Knowing exactly what it would do to him.

"Oh love, you know you can't hold your breath forever" the man said holding him tightly.

Daniel knew he was right, he felt his lungs burning from lack of oxygen. He didnt give in though, he refused. He didnt want to be taken.

"Breath hun, just a tiny breath" the man soothed.

Daniel couldn't hold his breath anymore so he did, falling into the man's arms limply. The man smirked.

"Good boy"


Daniel woke up, on a bed a really comfortable one. But as soon as he tried to move, he heard a clank. He saw a cuff around his wrist and the other cuff attacked to the bed.

His mind drifting back to what happened. He became nervous, not knowing what was going to happen to him.

As he began to cry, he heard the door open. A tall and slim boy walked in, a bright smile on his face. He had blond hair, and rings all over his fingers. And blue green eyes that Daniel kind of found attractive.

"Your finally up," the man spoke, walking to Daniel, but making sure the door was locked.

Daniel didnt speak, not wanting to. He could only hope this guy wasnt going to hurt him.

"I'm corbyn love," Corbyn sat down, taking the key for the cuff and letting it drop from daniels wrist.

"W-why? W-why me?" Daniel choked, putting his head into his knees.

Corbyn frowned, he took the boy into his arms, "shhh dont cry bubba. I'm not going to hurt you. The cuff was just so you didnt escape."

Daniel looked at Corbyn, "why'd you take me?"

"I've been watching you for the past couple of weeks. You look so miserable with your life, besides your friend Jonah. You close down the shop, walk home, then get hurt by your friend Jack. I wasnt going to have that. Not when I could care for you better" Corbyn whispered, lifting Daniel's chin, pressing a small kiss to his lips.

Daniel just froze, confused on if he should kiss back or not. He had to admit, Corbyns lips felt nice. He closed his eyes and softly kissed back.

"I'll take you shopping later today for some clothes, and I have your phone." Corbyn assured, kissing his cheek, daniel smiled.

"Thank you for kidnapping me" daniel giggled, Corbyn nodded.

"Anytime cutie," Corbyn smirked, he grabbed some clothes from the closet and threw them at Daniel, "wear those. I'll wait outside"

Daniel smiled and nodded, maybe it wont be so bad.

Corbyn played on his phone, smiling in awe when he say Daniel in his clothing. Daniel blushed from the look, he shyly continued to Corbyn.

"Pretty handsome" Corbyn smirked, gently pecking Daniel's lips.

Daniel's cheeks heated up more, "y-your not so bad yourself"

Corbyn snaked his arms around daniel, "lemme show you the house"


Daniel was content, he wasnt scared to escape. He didnt want to escape. Corbyn made him smile. The older didn't force him to do anything.

It didnt feel like he was kidnapped. And daniel loved that.

So as he fell asleep, this time with Corbyn. He smiled, something he didnt usually do when he went to sleep.

"Thank you for kidnapping me Corbyn" he repeated quietly, nuzzling into corbyn.

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