you are enough

560 18 5

Corbyn scrolled through instagram, waiting for his boyfriend to come home. Daniel was at the studio, finishing up some work there, he had texted Corbyn that he'd be home in the next 30 minutes.

Corbyn was used to hate, he knew it was going to happen. But even with that, it got to him at times. He never told Daniel about how suicidal he was when he was younger, or how he had a small case of depression.

Daniel made him happy, so incredibly happy that he forgot about the hate, his depression, his sadness. He always missed Daniel when he was at the studio or would go to the store.

He sighed, looking at his hot boyfriend, those blue eyes he always got lost in. He smiled when he saw one of the two together, not that it took long. Daniel loved to show Corbyn off.

Corbyn meant everything to Daniel, and he wanted to make that known.

As corbyn read the caption:

Seaveydaniel: the actual loml, my baby boy corbynbesson

Corbyn smiled and blushed, he was so lucky to have Daniel. But the smile didnt last long, one comment down, the hate comments had already begun.

User1: daniel deserves better

User_5: Corbyn's such a fag

User2; ew, why does daniel date a slut

User8; I bet corbyn just uses Daniel

User6; can corbyn just y'know die?

User7; ew, daniel could do better

Corbyn didn't know he was crying until a tear landed on his wrist. They were right, daniel deserved better, so much better, but Daniel was with him.

Corbyn put his phone down, exiting the app, he went to the bathroom. Searching for the blade he hadn't used in months. Mainly because Daniel was always there. But daniel wasnt this time.

"Oh there" the boy mumbled, grabbing it from the top shelf, he looked at it, almost scared to cut himself.

As he held the blade to his skin, he heard the door open from downstairs.

"Corbyn, baby?" A voice called, daniel corbyn realized.

He doesnt deserve me, I'm not worth his time. I'm not enough. Corbyns head raced.

"Honey? Corbs?" Daniel's soft voice got closer.

Daniel frowned, he saw the bathroom light was on and headed towards it. He turned the nob to see the sight.

"Baby!" Daniel whispered, not wanting to frighten Corbyn.

He took the blade and flushed it down the toilet. Then engulfed Corbyn in his arms, not letting him go.

"I-im sorry" corbyn spoke quietly, feeling daniel kiss his forehead.

"Shhh," Daniel mumbled, "I'm just glad I got here when I did. Why would you do that love?"

"T-the hate" corbyn broke down, "I'm not enough, you deserve so much better! Your fans know that. I'm always so scared you'll leave me." He took a breath before continuing, "I'm so ugly, a-and disgusting. You chose me out of everyone."

Daniel picked up Corbyn gently, turning off the light and kissing Corbyn's temple.

"Honey, you're everything to me," Daniel soothed, "you're so handsome. And talented. I love my fans, but when it comes to you, they're wrong. They're just jealous. You're enough baby"

Daniel wiped the tears from Corbyn's eyes, "what I dont understand is that you've never done this, you tell me everything Corbs,"

Corbyn looked at Daniel, tearfully. He placed his head in Daniel's neck. Daniel rubbed his back. "Shhhhhh" the younger soothed.

"I-I have depression, i didn't say anything because when your around it's gone. I'm so happy and smiley. But when your gone everything just comes back. It's not extremely bad like back a few years ago before I met you I was suicidal, but if things like hate come my way I have the urge to hurt myself. Again I didnt tell you because everything gone when I'm talking to you or your holding me. I-im sorry" corbyn explained, sniffling.

Daniel gently pulled Corbyn back, he pressed his lips to Corbyn's. Their lips molding together. Fireworks happening again, like everytime they kissed.

When they broke away Corbyn had a smile.

"You dont need to be Sorry hun, but I'm glad you told me. Call me when you feel like that okay? Remember I'm only a call away. You're my number one priority." Daniel smiled, taking corbyns hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Thank you dani," Corbyn's heart fluttered, daniel knew what to say to make him happy and okay.

"I love you bubba, just remember, you are enough"

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