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After a long wait, Scarlet's name is finally called. She goes out to the field and waits at the center for about ten minutes. There is nothing; nothing to clue her in on what she is supposed to do or what she is going to face.

Suddenly, something shoots out in front of Scarlet. If it had been any closer it would have bore right through her. It seems to be a thick iron wire which is stretched tightly across the field. A moment later about fifty more spring out from the wall and cling to the side opposite of them; just as the first had done. The wires are arranged like those of security lasers. This formation spans the entire field and upwards of about thirty feet.

There is a loud metal clanging. Looking down the field, Scarlet finds the source or rather sources of the noise. First appears a wolf, then comes a hawk, a cobra and a panther; all are large metallic machines.

As if that wasn't enough, the ground begins to slowly pull out from under Scarlet. About ten feet down is a pool of water; which is of no concern other than electricity that she notices surging through it.

The metal animals jump up onto the wires as the ground pulls out from under them. They stare at Scarlet in lust for bloodshed as they maneuver up the wires. It seems the wolf is going in first as he pounces closer and closer towards Scarlet.

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