Baby *Adrian Pucey*

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Imagine giving birth to Adrian's daughter

"Honey!!!" You hollered from upstairs of you and Adrian's house. "What's wrong, Y/n?" He asks, looking puzzled.  "My water broke." At first, he thought you were joking. Then, he started to freak out. "Calm down! The contractions aren't that bad yet. I still have to put my hair up, and do my makeup. I'm fine."  

As soon as you two got to the hospital, the contractions hurt. You're back hurt. Everything hurt. You wanted this to be over. You cried out in pain every time a contraction came by. About thirty minutes later, Terrence and Marcus came by to bring the baby's gifts.  "How are you feeling, baby?" Adrian asked, rubbing you're bump.  "Sore." you grumbled.  "Don't worry, Y/n. You'll be ok." Marcus said, squeezing you're hand.  

You have been in labor for hours now. Probably about 8 hours at the most. You were in a lot of pain. But you knew you could do it. You were crying out in pain until the doctor came and helped you delever you're daughter. 

After you were finished pushing, you're daughter was handed to you. Umbilical cord still attatched, you bonding with you're daughter was instant.  "She's Beutiful. Isn't she, honey?" "She sure is, Adrian." you say, crying tears of joy.  "Would you like to cut her umbilical cord?" The doctor asked Adrian.  "I-I'd love to...." he stammered.  "It's his first child, he's a little nervous."         


It had been 3 days since you're daughter was born. And you STILL haven't picked out a name for her. But you and Adrian had some on you're guys's minds. Adrian was thinking Liela, Evelynn, or Florence.  You were thinking Adrielle, Adriana or Aubrey.  "So, Y/n.... about naming our child...." Adrian started as you said, "Yes? What about naming our child?" "I was thinking maybe Liela, Evelynn, or Florence. What are you thinking about naming her?" "Well, I was thinking maybe Adrielle, Adriana, or Aubrey." "Then what do you want to name her?" he asks you.  "I guess Aubrey. Aubrey Roxanne Pucey."  "Thats a wonderfull name, princess. Aubrey. Hi, Aubrey!" he said and kissed her.  

The end! Hope you liked it!

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