18 and pregnant *Graham Montague* Part 2

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To be continued.....

Once you took the test, fair enough, it was positive. You started to cry saying, "I'm pregnant! I'm gonna be a mommy!!!!" you say, crying in Hermionie's shoulder. "Hey, don't cry. You're pregnant. You're baby that you wanted is here now." she said, hugging you tightly. 

Once Hermionie left, you went downstairs to tell you're husband the news. "Honey, can you come here please?" you called from the pool table room. "Coming!" Graham called from the living room. Once Graham got to the pool table room, he asked, "What is it, love?" "I-I'm..." you stuttered. "You're what?" he asks. "Graham,I'mPregnant!!!!!" you say excidedly. "OMG, you're not serious!" he says happily. "Yes, Babe! You're gonna be a daddy!" you say, laughing. All of a sudden, he starts running around screaming, "WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!!!!!! YEAH!!!!" And he took his shirt off, ran out to the backyard, and jumped into the pool. "Care to join me, love?" he asks you. "I-I'd love to..." you say. Then he did a spell that put you in a yellow and black bikini. 

                                                                  2 in a half months later....

You woke up from you're nap at around 6:15 due to the baby kicking. "Well, what a good time to wake up." you said to yourself (Meaning the baby). "Honey, who are you talking to? You've been talking to yourself for the past week now. Are you cheating on me?" "Honey! What do you mean? I'm talking to the baby because she's kicking!" you whine, rubbing you're bump. "SHE?! You mean our baby is a girl?" "Well, I'm not going to lie and say she IS a girl, but the truth is that I DO think it is a girl. Clearly, you made her, so why does it matter?" you say dryly. "Because I've been wanting a daughter." he smiled, kissing you softly. "Would you like to feel her kick?" you ask, rubbing you're belly. "Sure, I'd love to. I never got a chance to feel her kick yet!" he said, putting a warm hand on you're belly. All of a sudden, he felt something kick. The baby kicking, to be exact. "Geez louise, did you feel that?" he said. "Yes, honey. She's in my tummy. How could I not of felt that?" you say, about to fall asleep. "Well if you're about to go to sleep, so will I." he said, crashing out on you're chest, putting a hand on you're belly. 

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