Walter + Lance

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  Walter was sick. It really sucked. His head pounded constantly, his body couldn't decide whether it was hot or cold. The sweat on his skin made everything sticky and uncomfortable! His nose was constantly running and his eyes were watery. His sinuses were jacked up. Lovey was constantly chirping in his ear, and Walter knew she was just worried.

  "Lovey, please, leave me alone," he groaned loudly, shooing the pretty pigeon away from him. Even that small movement hurt.

  Lovey chirped, and she flew out the window he opened earlier because he was miserable hot. It didn't help much. Walter turner his head, letting out a small whimper. He didn't mean to make her leave!

  He looked at his soaked pajamas, and exhaustedly stripped himself of the clothes. It felt a bit better. He curled up into a small ball, and closed his eyes. All he wanted to do with escape from this pain.

  Lance was filling out reports of his recent missions. A drug supplier and maker; the drug gave people enhanced strength, speed, agility, and intelligence for a few hours. Walter was able to hack into their system that made the deals, and shut it down completely. They were able to neutralize the guards and the buyers there at the time. They took the woman into custody, and it was a done deal.

  Lance was getting worried, Walter was late. Walter was often way to early for his own good! He sighed, and rubbed his face. He stood to his full height, and went up towards the Internal Affairs office. He strolls in calmly, in a cool and collected manner. He goes to Agent Kappel's office, and knocks.

  He hears a faint, "Come in, Sterling." He blinks, and walks in.

Lance questions gruffly, "How did you know it was me, Kappel?"

Kappel looks at him, and leans back in her chair.

"One, Walter isn't here today so I've basically been waiting for you to show up. Two, cameras outside my office," She explains, chuckling a bit.

He nods, and crossed his arms. He leaned back against the wall.

He queries curiously, "So where is Walter today?"

Marcy frowns slightly as she hesitated, "...Walter said he was taking a day off." She clears her throat, slightly awkward as she continues, "It didn't sound to good, as all I can say. He hung up soon after." She leans forward, and links her fingers on her desk.

Lance pushed off the wall, and basically growled, "And no one told me? What if he was injured badly, Kappel?"

Marcy snorted, "If he was seriously injured, he would've said so. He is probably sick, Lance."

Suddenly, there was a clinking sound in the office. Marcy peered behind Lance, and chuckled. "Well, it seems someone is here for you, Lance."

Lance turned around, and blinked. He rubbed his eyes, and opened them again. Yep, that was Lovey pecking at the window. He opens the door, and the bird flies in. She lands on Lance's shoulder, and lets out a few coos. Her feathers were all ruffled, and Lance pets her head carefully. He looks at Marcy curiously, who just laughs.

"Go see your boyfriend, Sterling. I'll tell Jenkins something. Be careful with him," she winks as she cackles with laughter.

Lance huffed, ears slightly red, "He isn't my boyfriend!" He speed walks out of the office, grabbing his car keys out of his pocket. He slides smoothly down the stair banister, and leapt off at the end. Landing carefully, he jogs towards the doors. He exits, and speedily finds his car. He unlocks it, and gets in. He turns it on, and leans back against the leather seat.

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