a letter

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The three bothers where in the sky before the two woke up, the light coming in through small gaps in the wood above their heads. Onica was the first to wake, careful not to wake Tavra while she made some ta for them both. By the time the water was boiled the Vapra had woken up.

"morning my sliverling." Onica whispered as she came back with the cups.

"it's light already?" Tavra asked the tiniest hint of panic in her voice.

"it's okay, you're mother won't realise, you're okay." Onica tried to calm the other.

"I'm sorry my far-dreamer, but I said that I would meet with her first thing this morning." Tavra stood up, grabbing her cloak and kissing Onica's cheek before going above deck and spreading her wings, flying back to Ha'rar.

"where have you been" the All-Maudra's voice came from behind Tavra as she fix her curtains.

"what do you mean, mother?" Tavra asked turning around to face her.

"all of last night, you were missing." Tavra lowed her head, knowing she was caught. "this isn't the first time too, it seems every time the spring comes round you are leaving the citerdale at night." Tavra didn't have anything to say to that. "and in the autumn... I'm not naïve Katavra, I know what's happening." she used Tavra's full name, she couldn't look her mother in the eye. "I don't want you going back to the Sifa again, ever. Okay?"

"yes mother." Tavra finally looked up.

"now, can we please get on," and with that, the all-Maudra left. Tavra didn't mean what she said. But she didn't go back for another week. It was then that she felt the confidence to write Onica a letter.

She was extra careful with getting it to her. So she sent it to Tae. Tae was Onica's best friend a brave worrier close with the Maudra. Tavra was sure she would pass it on. she also made sure not to give the letter to the guards, they would give the letter to her mother. She waited for the massager to come.

Onica had felt lonely once Tavra had left. She understood why she had to leave. It just didn't feel right that her mother might disprove of love outside their clan. The sifa were excepting of everyone, that was just how it was. Onica walked up the deck, pinned her dress so it didn't fall to the ground and started work.

The day went by with no interruption, not that she expecting any. Onica was fine by herself. Of course sometimes she went to the Omerya most of the time, but it was nice to have a day to herself just to take a breath from the other gelfing.

Several days passed by and there was no sign of Tavra. Onica knew that asking Thra about her lovers well being would be selfish of her but still she worried. the Sifa started to untie the rope keeping the boat at shore, it was time to go to the Omerya once more.

Tae ran to the dock that Onica was heading to a letter in her hands, Yelling welcomes. She climbed onto the ship waving the letter in her red hair friend.

"Tae, what is it?" Onica tried to grab her wrist to figure out what the letter was.

"its from a special someone" Tae danced around while Onica waited for her to finish.

"is it from your special sliverling finally come for you" Onica joked, even though it wasn't very funny when Onica found her Vapra instead of Tae. She finally handed her the letter.

"it's from Tavra..." Onica whispered skimming the letter.

"what happened?" Tae stopped, looking at Onica's face for some clues

"her mother knows." Onica looked up, away from the letter folding it in half.

"are you going to et your girl back?" Tae asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"you know I can't Tae, we just have to be more careful." She sighed and turned towards the hatch that went below deck. She grabbed a book form a pile and walked over to the centre of the room. Clearing the blanket away, grabbing the rope that pulled the table up. She placed the book on it and began to read.

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