Is he alright?

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Izuku had changed into the clothes his mother brought him and sat on one of the chairs in the lobby. He was snuggled up to his mother like a lost child. His phone buzzed continuously from his lover texting him.

The two had been talking nonstop since Kaminari went off with Olivia. Izuku was filling Kirishima in, explaining how cute his mom accepted Denki.


Kaminari sat in Olivia's car, waiting for the young woman to finish talking with her associate. Olivia's car smelled very flowering, leaving Denki in a swaying state. He liked the smell but, it made him sort of dizzy.

Denki went to open the door to call out to Oliva, needing a breath of fresh air. Olivia walked past his window; before he had the chance to move, she got in the car, seeming irritated. The blonde kept, quiet not wanting to get involved with police work.

Olivia started the car, not saying a word as she drove. She rolled down the windows, somehow knowing Kaminari needed air. The blonde thanked her and enjoyed the view.


"Thanks again, Olivia."

"No problem, kid."

Denki waved as she pulled away, questions still lingering from what happened at the police station. He brushed it off and turned to the hospital doors. He hated how familiar he became with this place.

The door squeaked as he entered, Lysol spraying him in the face. Denki covered his face, a few coughs falling past his lips. 'I really hate that smell.' The blonde proceeded to gag as he walked past reception.

Izuku jumped from his seat, trying to catch his mate's attention. Inko looked up at her son, confused as to why he was so energetic all of a sudden. She followed his line of sight, trying to find the intriguing subject matter.

She saw her son's mate and smiled. 'I wish he could see how much you grew, Izuku.' Inko stood and began walking toward Denki, Izuku right on her heels. The two mates hug, enjoying the scent of one another.


The two lovers cuddled up in the back of Inko's small car. The kid's laughter filled the vehicle, making Inko happy. She had missed Izuku's smile, his happiness; it all seemed to fade when he hit middle school. It was good to see him so happy again.

Denki smiled, taking in a long breath. The lavender smell never seemed to fail his nostrils. Some old English song buzzed around the car, making the sixties-esk feeling set in.

The car halted, the music fading away. The humble home they had arrived at seemed to shine in the glittering sunlight. Kaminari smiled and held Izuku just a bit tighter.

"Home sweet home," Inko muttered as she opened her car door.

The lavender scent escaped with the woman, leaving the two boys alone in the car. Izuku sighed and stretched, trying to escape Denki's grip so they could get out of the vehicle.

"Come on, I've got to show you my room!"


"I love it."

Kaminari wiggled free from Izukus intense grip, his fingertips tracing the walls. His touch was delicate, making sure that nothing was damaged. He knew the things in the room were precious to Midoriya.

Izuku smiled to himself, enjoying the view of his partner exploring his things. The way Denki looked so curious yet cautious had the greenette a smiley mess. Izuku dragged a hand through his hair, remembering that Kirishima's bag was still there. Midoriya turned and rushed out of the room.

Soulmates? (kirikamideku) {Under editing 5-16}Where stories live. Discover now