Chapter 1

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Mikayla's POV: Yo, I'm Mikayla Efron and I may be a tomboy but I'm a huge Disney fan. I love The Jonas Brothers, Camp Rock, Descendants, and most importantly High School Musical. Dad and my Aunt was a big part of High School Musical and now he's in the show High School Musical The Musical The Series as a basketball coach. He didn't really wanna act as Troy Bolton again but he said he's not doing it for him, he's doing it for me and my sisters and soon to be little brother. "Hey, dad." I said, passing by him in the living room. "Hey, what's up?" He asked. "Are you working today?"I asked. "Yes, why?" He replied. "Can I come with you?" I asked again. "I would very much like that, but unfortunately you can't." He replied. You see I have a huge crush on Joshua Basette and Matt Cornette and they are now Dad's costars, and dad won't let me go with him. "Why can't I go with you?" I asked, calmly. "Because I said so Mikayla, I'm not arguing with you right now. I need you to go and help your mom with your sisters. I love you and I'll see you beautiful girls later tonight." He said before leaving, closing the door behind him. I ran upstairs to my room, telling mom to not bother me, so I can nap, when really I actually climbed out of my window to get to my car. I then drove off to dads work, which was East High. My mom, dad sisters and I live in Salt Lake City Utah, we moved here from LA when we found out that dad got the job.

Nikki's POV: I was upstairs trying to calm down Hailey, she's mine and Zac's 2 year old. Lexi is 5 turning 6 and Gabriella is 4. Zac named Gabby after Vanessa's character from HSM. Oh and our oldest girl is 16.

Nessie💖: Hey Nikki, I think I seen your daughter's car drive past my house.

Nikki🦄: She should be in her room sleeping.

Nessie💖: OMG it is Mikayla!

Nikki🦄: I'll message Ashley and see if she can watch Hailey and Gabby I'll bring Lexi with me. See you soon.

Nikki🦄: Hey Ash, can you come and watch Hailey and Gabby for me. Zac is at work, Kayla snuck out and Lexi, Vanessa and I need to go look for her.

Ashley💋: Of course be there soon.

When we got to East High I felt contractions and they hurt. I'm not ready for baby Efron to come yet, it's to early. I noticed Mikayla's car in the parking lot and that's when I seen her sneak into the school. We walked into the school and followed her down the hall to the gym where Zac was, and let's be honest he was not happy at all.

Zac's POV: I can't believe Mikayla came out here after I specifically told her no and I'm not causing a scene. Just then my wife showed up with Lexi and Vanessa. "MIKAYLA ALISON EFRON!" I heard her shout from behind me.

Mikayla's POV: Oh crap, Mom, Aunt Vanessa and Lexi followed me here. Dad is gonna be mad at me and probably ground me when he comes home. Mom ended up driving my car home and when we got home she told me to go to my room until dad comes home. Just then as I'm sitting up in my room, I hear a car door shut, dad must be home. He then comes in my room softly. "Why did you follow me Mikayla?" He asked. "I just wanted to hang out with you." I replied, "You could have waited until I got home, I hate to say this but I am going to have to ground you." He replied. "Get out of my room dad, I'm tired." I simply said.  When he left I closed the door and cried myself to sleep. Later that night I woke up to my little sister Lexi calling my name from outside of my bedroom door. I open the door and tell her to come in. Out of all people, she comes to me when she can't sleep and what I don't get is she can't stand dads snoring and she snores. She snores louder than he does.

12:00am: I woke up again but this time my sister was snoring loudly. Ugh! Will she ever shut up. I somehow ended up on the floor. So my snoring 5 year old sister pushed me onto the floor. Great this is gonna be a long boring night.

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