Chapter 1

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It was a cool fall day and everything was great. Mr. Monk was cleaning his apartment, preparing for the newly found Molly to come over. He had just found out less than a week ago that his deceased wife Trudy had a long-lost daughter. Over the past week, Molly had come over twice a day everyday to talk to him. She always wanted to know more about him and her mother. Everything about Mr. Monk and his weird quirks fascinated her. Molly loved how everything had to be perfect in his house. That is except for one table, her mother's table. When Mr. Monk finally told her the reason it was crooked she cried and gave him a hug. That was the first time he had accepted a hug for quite a while.

At that very moment, Mr. Monk heard a soft knock on his door. "Adrian, are you home?" Molly quietly asked through the door, fearing that he may still be asleep.

Putting away the vacuum cleaner and feather duster he was previously using, he answered the door. "Nice to see you again Molly, you look lovely today." He said as he gestured her inside.

She walked in and took everything in slowly, just as she did the first time she visited his apartment. "Where's Natalie?" Molly asked as she sat down on the pristine couch, "She's usually here by now."

Mr. Monk hesitated for a moment he responded to her question. "I gave her the day off. I thought we could spend a day with just the two of us, if that's okay?" He slowly questioned.

Molly instantaneously responded, barely able to control her excitement. "Of course it's okay Adrian. I came here to see you, not Natalie."

He looked relieved when she finished talking. "I was afraid you wouldn't want to spend time alone with me." He said worriedly.

She just smiled and shook her head. "Adrian, you worry too much. You need to calm down and relax every now and then. How about we go to the spa today, since it's just the two of us?" She asked sweetly.

Mr. Monk's eyes bulged out of his head and he looked even more worried than before. "You mean the spa as in the place they cover you in dirty, filthy mud? The place where they put food on your face? Where you wear robes other people have worn?" His voice had risen an octave by the time he finished the last question. He quietly whispered the next question, "The place where..." He looked around quickly, "The place where there are naked people?"

Molly laughed loudly for a minute before she realized he was being serious. "You're being serious? Adrian, come on, it will be fun. Will you do it for me?" She asked widening her eyes ever so slightly and jutting out her bottom lip, so that he could not refuse.

He seemed to think it through for a moment, but finally he came to a decision. "I will go with you," he said. "But I won't relax or have any fun at all" Mr. Monk added quickly.

Molly ran over to him and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She shouted. "Adrian, you don't know how much this means to me!"

Mr. Monk's Day At The SpaWhere stories live. Discover now