Chapter Five

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I roll my eyes as Draco sashays towards me.
"Not interested."
"I haven't even spoken yet. God, Potter."
I refuse to look into his eyes.
"Anyway - what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone in Hogsmeade?"
An intense urge to make Draco jealous overtakes me. Not that he's interested in me, of course. And not that I care.
"I'm meeting, er...Seamus later."
He scowls, but his dark expression is quickly replaced with a careless smirk.
"Finnigan? You guys are dating now?"
"What's it to you?"I shoot back.
"Nothing, Potter, nothing. Except..."
He leans close - far too close. Electicity shoots through me as I feel his breath on my neck.
"You could do so much better than him."
Then he's gone.
We walk out of the Hog's head into the crispy morning.
"It was good, wasn't it?" Olivia remarks. "I reckon Harry'll be a good teacher..."
I watch Harry as we leave. He's still staring at Cho Chang, and she gives him a shy smile before leaving with her friend.
I smirk.
Olivia watches my gaze. She sees the two of them gazing at each other, dumbstuck, before her eyes move on.
"He's kind of good looking, isn't he?"
"What? Who?"
For a mad second, I imagine she's talking about Draco. I remember his breath on my neck, his body close to mine...
Concentrate, Darya.
"George." She replies dreamily. I'm glad she's too loved up herself to notice my slightly odd behaviour. But I don't like Draco, do I? I can't. I mean, he's really attractive, of course, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to him. Obviously.
"I- I guess." I say. My thoughts are still on Draco.
"Mmm. Really good looking, actually."
I glance at her. She's definitely blushing.
"Really good looking, huh?"
Her cheeks darken further.
"Shut up!"
I raise one eyebrow and she digs her elbow into my side. We explode in laughter and walk on, ignoring some of the odd glances.
"So." I say, when we're far enough away. "Spill..."


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