fuck you 2019

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I was stuck in a black hole
and all I saw was blue somehow
I was in there for almost an eternity
almost gave up on seeing a yellow light
then I finally got out
and now everything is different
oh I wish it were 2018

I know people say
"don't dwell on the past
you won't ever be happy"
but how can I not
if my future is just pitch black?

I was asleep for a while
so why do I feel so tired?
maybe I never was sleeping
maybe I was just daydreaming
so when am I going to wake up?
I just don't want to sleep again

you always told me you cared
yet you never realized I was dead inside
so why do you lie to me?
why did you stay for so long?
you never were really there for me
and maybe if you left earlier
I wouldn't be this fucking messed up

people say "don't dwell on the little inconveniences"
but how can I not,
when my past seemed so good
and I didn't have any problems

📸: taken in a gondola in Venice

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