Chapter One

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I was woken up by my alarm. I get up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. I choose an outfit and went downstairs.

When I arrived downstairs in the kitchen I saw someone I didn't want to see,my dad, I'm not in good terms with him ever since Jiyeon and Jihyun went missing after mom died

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When I arrived downstairs in the kitchen I saw someone I didn't want to see,my dad, I'm not in good terms with him ever since Jiyeon and Jihyun went missing after mom died. I just know that he knows something but he isn't telling me.
"Hey Jiminie, come sit down and eat...please?" He said to me. I sat down next to him and started eating. It was waffles with some fruit on the side,it was good. I finished eating when he stopped me
"Don't forget your medicine,Jiminie" he said and gave me a bottle with my pills in it
"Thanks" I said to him
"And Jimin, I'm sorry" he said quietly but I heard it. I left the house and went to work. I forgot to tell you but I'm a psychologist at Bighit Institute of Psychotic Minds. I known for having all my cases successful. I walked into the building and greeted some workers here. I went into my office and started working on some paperwork's.
I heard a knock and I said 'come in' I looked up and it was nurse Lisa
"Hey Doctor Park, you have to sign this to let the patient go home" she said and gave the files to me. I looked at it and signed the bottom. I handed back to her. I looked at the time and it's time for a lunch break.
I walked into the cafeteria and felt more than 6 people staring at me but I ignored it. Here's the thing we have a shared cafeteria with the patients so they don't cause any trouble.
I walked over to my friend Jisoo next to the guys that were staring at me.
"Hi, Jisoo Unnie" i said to her while I sat in front of her and taking out my lunch.
"Hi Jiminie! What are you having today for lunch?" She asked me while eating a salad.
"Just some egg sandwich that I made from my mom's recipe book " I replied back to her and started eating my lunch.
"How was your day so far? I heard you signed of another successful patient." She said proudly. I looked at her and said
"Yeah, Park Jihoon"
"The kid with depression right?" She asked me and I nodded. I finished my lunch and put it away. I looked at the time and I still have an hour of free time.
"So you wanna hang out yesterday afternoon??" She said to me
"Let me check my schedule tomorrow" I told and opened up my scheduling book. I flipped to the next page. I looked at it and frowned. Jisoo noticed and asked me what's wrong?
"I don't have time tomorrow afternoon, it's my mom's death anniversary" I told her. She suddenly hugged me
"I'm sorry Jiminie, I shouldn't have said anything" she said
"It's fine, Jisoo unnie" i said to her and she let go.
"How's yo-" she was about to say something when nurse Rose came up to me with a bunch a files in her hand
"Hi Dr. Kim and Dr.Park" she said to us
"Hello Rose, do you need anything?" Jisoo said to her and looking at the files.
"Oh right!" She said and handed me 6 files and gave the remaining files to Jisoo unnie. "These are the new patients assigned to you guys" she said
I looked at her confused and said "why do I have 6?"
"The doctors have been having trouble with these patients, so your father told me to give it to you. Your our best doctor here, Dr. Jimin." She replied to me.
"Of course he hands the tough job to me." I said and then she left.
"Anyways, what was your question? Jisoo unnie" i said to her while putting the files down on the table.
"How's your relationship with your dad? Is it still the same?" She said to me with a sad look.
"Yeah" I said and checked the time and it was time for me to go.
"I gotta go" I said standing up when I started feeling dizzy and put my hand on the table instantly.
Jisoo unnie noticed and quickly went by my side and made me sit down. We were attracting some attention.
"Are you okay? Jiminie" she said to me with a worried face
"I'm fine unnie"
"No your not Jiminie, Did you take your medicine?" She asked me
"I forgot to take it" I told her
"Where did you put it?" She said mad
"It's in my pocket" I said while grabbing it out. It was a small glass bottle with red pills in it. I grabbed one out and swallowed it. Couple of minutes later, I blinked my eyes and everything was back to normal.
"Jimin, are you okay now?" Jisoo unnie asked me
" I'm fine " I said to her.
"I gotta go and Jimin be careful next time." She said to me standing up
"Bye! Unnie" I smiled to her
"Alright" she said and left.
After 5 minutes, I got up but instantly put my hand on the table again when I felt a little dizziness. But I ignored it. I started putting away my medicine in my pocket, grabbed my scheduling book. I also grabbed the six files but one fell out of the pile and went on the floor and the papers fell out.
"Shit" I said to myself
I was about to grabbed it when someone grabbed it and organized it and put it on top of my files.
"Thank you to whoever you are" I said and walked away
I grabbed the files that was on the floor. I took a quick peek and it was Namjoon's file. I organized it and gave it back to the doctor named Jimin
"Thank you to whoever you are" he said and left. I sat back down next to Jungkook
"Who was on the file?" Hoseok asked me and they all looked at me
"It was Namjoon's file" I said to them
"I guess the other 5 files is the rest of us" Namjoon said to us and we all nodded.
"Hey hyungs" Jungkook said to us
"Yes?" We all said and looked at him
"I found this when I was at the restroom, and I want to share it with you guys" He said and grabbed a purple file out and put it on the table
"Who's file is it?" SeokJin Hyung asked him
"Idk yet" Jungkook replied to him
"I'll open it" taehyung said and opened the file
We all looked at it and was shocked at what was on it.

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