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10 years ago.

Nabil's POV

staring at the mirror while combing my hair, i noticed my beards growing back again. i literally just shaved them 3 days ago! but i must say, I've got the looks every girl is dying for. i just wonder how my charm isn't working on mayisha... gosh i love that girl, maybe that's why i feel this way about her. because unlike other girls, shes not moved by my looks and charm.

it was our first year in college and everyone is heads over hills about their careers and love life. everyone thinks I'm a fuckboy because aparently i look like one. but much to everyone's dismay, I've never even had a girlfriend before. heck I've never even felt a thing for anyone. mayisha is also a freshman, as much as i didn't feel a thing towards ladies, it was just different with her. could she be the one? i questioned myself. well there is only one way to find out.

mayishas pov

moving to college and embracing this adulthood is really stressful. but God! i thank you. first year's could really be a pain in the butt but I'm determined to make it superb. anyways, I've noticed this creepy dude stalking me and its quite unnerving.....

just like every other mondays for the past 5 weeks, i walked down the hallway catching my friends up on the way. hey eve, when's the study session? tonight she answered replying to a text on her phone abruptly. Eve right  here is the definition of a high classed spoilt brat. well i dont blame her, i mean her parents are loaded and didn't really care that much. other than that, i see an emotionally disturbed girl in her

yep thats me, always looking deeper into peoples souls.

which is why i just nonchalantly ignore her attitudes. in the middle of all these thoughts we were stopped by my supposed stalker.

hello ladies.......

nabils pov.

After weeks of stalking mayisha, i finally decided to make a move, i hope she doesnt turn me down. i watched as she raced to catch up with her friends. God! not here, but it's now or never my inner conscience urged. took a deep breath and walked straight up to the ladies.

hello ladies, ( not the best pickup line but, the regular).

they all faced me and i was suddenly nervous.

you got this, i assured myself.

Hi, I said again making it less awkward, my name is nabil.

One of the girl's looked disinterested in my existence but I wasn't there for her. All I wanted was to get mayisha's attention and it seems it's working. Can I have a moment with you? Please? Focusing my gaze at her. My pointed at herself with an amused look and I answered with an affirmative.

Mayisha's pov

He looked a bit nervous, hi he said again, my name is nabil, can I have a moment with you? He said focusing his gaze at me.

I looked at him amusingly, point myself, he affirmed his motive.
Before I could even utter a word, Eve walked ahead I'll text you in 3 she added while heading to the cafeteria. Anna followed, catch me up in the library when you're done she said. In 3min I added

Wow! You already timed our conversation ? The stranger interrupted looking playfully pained. I smiled shyly at him. I'm not much of a talker sorry, I added. I noticed he replied. I gave him a puzzled look

I mean you do look quiet he added trying very hard to not prove how much of a stalker he is. Lol.
I'm sorry for approaching you, maybe this isn't the right place to talk. How about we grab a coffee tomorrow? At the 08 Starbucks?

Wait.... are you asking me out? I questioned

Now don't get me wrong, no woman is ever not flattered by being asked out. But it felt sudden.

Whatever you want to call it he said walking off and winking at me

For some reason a smile crept its way out of me.


Hello guys! My life has been a roller coaster lately hence, the reason why I've been MIA. But I'm back now, I promise


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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