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michael was taken back from that request,
how could he show her the paintings using words?
"i don't think i can, i'm not good with words"
jessie smiled, she was sure of the opposite, so she squeezed his hand trying to comfort him.
"try, for me"
michael sighed in discomfort but agreed, and he started from the first painting, the starry night.
"imagine a dark blue sky with some lighter shades of blue and a bunch of stars, the stars are all around searching for their mother moon, meanwhile the city is sleeping their best sleep,"
jessie shed a tear, his soothing voice plus the darkness around her made her feel like at home, in her bed, she quickly wiped away the tears and squeezed michael's hand, to tell him to continue.
"this is one of my favourite, it's called irises.
you see plenty of blue and orange flowers surrounded by their friend grass, the irises are like calling the grass to protect them from being ripped from the ground,"
michael and jessie kept on the whole night, until they eventually finished up the whole collection of paintings, still hand in hand.
jessie never felt so safe in her life like in that moment, it's been two days and yet she felt like she needed him,
she could feel michael turn on her direction and smile, she thought it must have been the most beautiful smile in the world.
"thank you, no one ever did what you've done for me tonight,"
and it was true, people always admired her for being so strong yet no one ever helped her see what she couldn't, not even her best friend ever did.
"it was a pleasure, we looked up at his paintings but let me tell you, you're as beautiful as his starry night"
and again jessie felt herself blushing, he was such a flirt!!
but she loved it.
michael, still hand in hand with jessie started walking outside the building, it was morning and they had to go from there before the museum opened.
"let me take you home,"
jessie told him she was living with her best friend because she didn't have a home, michael felt really bad for her, he definitely wanted to help her to be happy.

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it had been a week since she last met michael and she was a bit worried about him, not that he HAD to go see her but still it was kinda strange he didn't even tell her that wasn't going to go anymore.
jessie was getting ready for her night shift when a knock on the door woke her up from her thoughts.
she slowly opened the door and, god that smell.
she could recognise his perfume miles away.
michael said, with a low voice, almost like if he was sorry, and he probably was.
"hey, come in"
jessie invited him in but she knew they couldn't stay there for long, she had to go to work.
as soon as the door closed behind him michael hugged jessie, he hugged her tightly, almost like if he didn't want to let her go.
"let me go, i have to go to work in 10 minutes, michael"
jessie was lowkey mad, not even herself knew why but she felt mad at him.
"let me take you, with my car"
as soon as they were at the museum he stopped the car and turned in jessie direction.
"look, i'm so sorry, i was busy with university, it's my last semester ever and with my family, i wanted to come to see you, i just couldn't,"
jessie didn't know what to say, she was a stupid to think he didn't want to go to see her, it wasn't her business anyway right?
"it's okay i should be sorry to have behaved like that,"
michael smiled, she was so pretty even when she was sorta of mad.
they pull over and got out of the car walking towards the museum, for once michael didn't have to sneak in to enter.
"be careful don't touch anything or the alarm will go off"
jessie was some sorta of worried about him getting caught, so she took michael's hand and walked down the hallway, but instead of stopping where jessie's chair was they kept on walking towards the sculptures section, it was jessie favourite section because she could feel how the different sculptures were and how pretty they were.
when they were about to exit the section room when jessie stopped and let michael's hand go just to take her hand to his hair, caressing softly his black curls, michael was enjoying that soft little massage, he took her hands in his and put them down tho his lips, softly kissing jessie's hands michael started singing
"that you are not alone
i am here with you
though you're far away
i am here to stay
but you are not alone
i am here with you
though we're far apart
you're always in my heart
you are not alone.."
jessie wasn't alone anymore, she had michael now, and she won't let him go.

VAN GOGH | 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐎𝐍 Where stories live. Discover now