Parents' Choice

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If parents could have their way, they"d always choose the best for their children. "Mother knows best!" Many mommas tried to convince their sons and daughters. To some extent it's true! Hey, hey, hey! Not all the time though. You know your heart best! Don't you? If your mom knows best and if your Dad wants you to get the best out of life, wouldn't they ask you what will make you happy?

Thank God arranged marriages aren't practiced anymore. At least for the most part of the world. Thank God that cultural structure was already demolished. That does not give us the assurance though and the certainty that our choices will be the best all the time. Oh, well, the best choice for the moment. As time goes by, things change, people change, parents change and of course, little children grow up into adults. Eventually, they become parents themselves. What will be their choice? Most of the time, it is still their parent's choice! Hilarious! Or shall I say, pathetic?

Don't get me wrong! No offence meant. Honor your father and your mother, is God's commandment. What I'm saying is, know your options, consult your parents. In the end, it is still your choice if you obey your parents' choice.

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