Career Choice

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We usually ask a little child what he wants to be when he grows up. The usual answer is: Doctor, Fireman, Policeman. Well, it depends upon how much exposure the child has. Some would say Singer, Accountant or Manager if the child have had any encounters with those kind of people or may be if a parent has that kind of job.

I heard a little girl say: "Girls don't  work. They just keep themselves beautiful and wait for dear husband to come home. That was because she saw her mom doing that. It has really something to do with role modelling.

As a child grows older and his/her exposure grows wider, other avenues and possibilities come their way and their choices can vary greatly from those they've chosen as little children.

This is where the Occupational Interest Inventory can be of help. What do you want to do? What do you do best? How much resources do you have? What does it take to achieve your Career Path? What Course do you need to take up? What is your Career Choice?

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