Chapter 72

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Once Kuro had told Mei everythign of what her family had done to Yokai-chan in her past.

Mei, who looked ready to cry, wasn't the least surprised at all.

Mei: Why...Why do my family have to be this way...why couldn't we all just be a regular family without even trying to hurt one another or hurt someone else...

Kuro: Well that's just the thing Mei...your family never saw each other as family at all. For instant, your family could be a toxic family...

Mei: T-Toxic Family?!

Kuro: Yeah...Toxic families are those where there is mental, emotional, physical or sexual abuse. I am going to assume that because you that already know this because of what they put you through. You are having problems because of it and that you want help but no other than Koutarou-Sensei bothered to help because they treated him the same way. So to either make sense of what is going on or to know what to do about it. Or probably both!

Mei:.......I don't even know to answer this...I just everything to go back to normal...

Kuro: Yeah...

Mei: Kuro?

Kuro: Yes Mei...

Mei:....I...if I make everything go back to normal...if my family still treat me as they always do...maybe...I should just stop talking to them....

Kuro: You mean by cutting them off from you?

Mei nodded.

Kuro: I see...

Mei:....Am I doing the right thing...I mean...they're my family but...only Koutarou Oji-san acted like family to me...

Kuro: It's for the best Mei... IYou are allowed to cut toxic people out of your world. Even if you have a strong history together because of your bloodline, even if they are family, you are not obligated to keep them around if they are causing you pain. You are allowed to leave them in your past. It's your choice...not mine...


Kuro: Just give some time...

Mei: Okay...If anything...I just want Koutarou Oji-san back...and everyone else that tried to make up for me...

Kuro: Yeah...I gotta get Shouta and the others back...

Mei nodded as they continued down the tunnel until it comes to a halt.

Kuro: That's it...?

Kuro sounded disappointed as he looked around.

Kuro: Is this where everything leads too...This has to be a dead end.

Mei: Hmm...

Mei suddenly felt an instinct to look up and noticed something.

Mei: Kuro!

Kuro: Yeah?

Mei: I think I see something on top of the ceiling. It looks like a hatch.

Kuro: Hmm...Alright. This could be our way out...Let me give you a boost.

Kuro let's Mei climb on top of him as she begin to reach for the hatch.

Kuro: You sure are really light, Mei.

Mei blushed a bit.

Mei: Really?

Kuro nodded.

Kuro: It's not a strange thing to say, is it?

Mei: N-No...Not really...

Kuro: Huh....

No one words were exchanged between their small talk as Mei finally reach for the hatch and begin to open it up.

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