Smile In The Frown

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The day went as usual. I got up, didn't mess with my hair, didn't put on makeup, threw on a random choice of clothes. Ended up being a teal short sleeved shirt and white skirt with black knee socks. I grabbed some cereal, ate it loudly in the kitchen by myself, then started walking to school. The bus comes to where I live, it being a 10 minute drive to school, but I don't want to be on the bus, so I walk instead. It takes me about an hour to get to school, what with all the stops and such. But I like it too, I feel free in such moments, not bound to the rules of the world. What people think is right and wrong, it's all opinion so who cares what they think? No one does, they just follow the general ideology because it's easy to. Because it works, right?
Well I'm not one to just go with the flow, be like everyone else, I do things my way, always.
"Beth~" Of course, some things aren't left up to me to decide. "Hey Bethy Boo~" I slap him to the ground again.
"Don't you ever call me that again, or I'll kick you while you're down too." I say.
"Ha ha! You're so full of energy even after a long trek!" He says, full of energy himself. I sigh.
"What do ya want?" I ask him as I begin to walk towards the school entrance.
"Well, to see you and say good morning~!" He says cheery as can be. Disgusting. I wave at him.
"Morning, now bye-bye." I say, he just laughs. Damn it, it didn't work. "Could you stop enjoying yourself, forever? I hate being around happy people in the morning, makes me hate life even more." I explain.
He pauses and responds. "Sorry Beth, I just get happy when I see you..." Shit. That hit me in the feels a bit. I guess I'm being too big of an ass. I sigh again.
"Oh stop with the apologetic behaviour, it's my personality, if you can't handle it, stay away from me." I reply, almost thought he'd leave, but he smiles at me. I groan. "I got class, seeya." I walk a lot faster and make it in, not before hearing his proclamation.
"You're the nicest girl in the world! I'm so happy to be your friend!"
I think I'm gonna hurl.

After class sure enough, Nathan came around again. He's like some lost puppy how he clings to me. Naturally and personally, puppy like actions aren't favourable to me. "Don't you have anything else you could be doing? And quit staring at my body before I rip you a new one." I ask and tell him.
He looks up at my face with a shit eating grin. "Sorry, your curves are just so tempting I couldn't resist!" I proceed to rip him a new one, before that he answers my question. "No, besides hanging out with you, I don't have anything I can do. I mean, I could do anything, but I'd rather be with you. I hope I'm not too much of a bother." I almost tell him he is, but he seems a little serious all of a sudden. I instead respond with something different.
"Alright then, don't expect me to talk to you freely or whatever, I don't care about you in the slightest. But I'm not gonna tell you not to do something when it bothers me so little anyways." I then add in. "I'd appreciate it more if you could refrain from lusting over my body as well."
"I'll do my best!" He says, immediately looking at my chest afterwards. I slap him hard.
He rubs his cheek and chuckles to himself, what an idiot.

Before the class starts, I set up my desk, I hear a comment from some random classmate who transfered in recently. "That's the biggest bitch of the school? She looks so cute though."
I turn around from my seat, surprising the guy and his friend with the suddenness. "Yeah, and I don't get how your face is so ugly, the answer to both of those things though is that it's just how it happened. Now shut up, I don't need to listen to more idiotic talk before class even starts." I say, turning back around.
I hear him comment quieter. "I see why now." I take pride in the response he gave.

My day goes as usual again, class after class of boring material, the perv comes around me whenever he can, I slap him around again as well. Eventually the end of the school day arrives.
As I go on my way, Nathan is nowhere to be seen. I breathe a breath of fresh air. Finally, I'm safe from his wandering eyes. As I am leaving the school building, I took a shortcut to avoid running into others and to get out quicker, but three guys block my path today.
This is really unusual.
"Hey! What are you doing here? This is my way out of the school to avoid losers like you." I walk towards them and expected to just move away. They don't, instead they turn around to reveal their masked faces.
"Shut up bitch. We students at this school are tired of your shit. You think just because you're some special case, you can get away with whatever?" The middle guy says to me.
I remain calm, though I can't say I'm not worried by their appearances. "Tired of me? I am tired of this school, you people, and my life!" I go to shove them out of the way.
"Grab her arms! You're such a brat." The other two guys grab my arms like the proper henchmen they are. I struggle, but given my size, I wasn't hard to hold. I start to scream obscenities.
"You fucking pieces of shit, let me the fuck go, what are you gonna do? Beat up a girl? Three men to do that, pathetic! You're all even bigger losers than before!" He puts his hand to my mouth and puts the other to his covered mouth, in a silence gesture.
I continue to scream, muffled screams, as he speaks back. "Why do you think we are wearing masks? I'm gonna rape good manners into you." He takes away his hand, seeing my screams having little effect, I try to reason.
"I'm a cat girl, I know who you are by smell you idiots. Let me go, or I'll-" he cuts me off.
"Then I'll just have to fuck you until you forget." I stutter as I respond.
"Wha-what? I'm saying you can't! Are you stupid?!" He puts the hand over my mouth again, I begin to tear up. "N-no, don't." I say, it being muffled, he lifts his hand again. "Please, d-don't rape me... I just wanted to be left alone." I say weakly, he smiles at me, but no one lets me go. Men are the worst.
I can't do anything, I'm gonna become a tool for their enjoyment, fuck my life. I hate it!
He starts to touch my breasts, thanks to my hypersensitivity, pain and pleasure are doubled all over my body. I can't help but enjoy his touch physically, I want to bite his hand off.
I keep crying unintentionally, I don't want this, I want to be strong. But that damn bastard sperm donor made me this way, I can't fight back, I'm so weak... I need to be saved.
"Holy shit, these are amazing!" He says, the disgusting pig of a man, then he pushes me down, restraining me with his legs and arms. "I can't wait to feel more..."
"Hey asshole! Go the other-" I hear one of the henchmen start and stop almost right after he first started speaking. The other shuffles towards whoever came into the hallway.
"What the hell man, you picked the wrong-" he gets knocked out too. The pig on top of me looks up in shock.
"Nathan?! Out of all the people to beat us up, I'd never think you-" I see the fist hit his masked face, knocking him out too. I quickly glance behind me to see a grim expression for a brief moment, then he looks down at me, and smiles.
"Hey Beth, you okay? Hope I didn't-" I interrupt him by jumping into him in a teary embrace.
"Nathan! Nathan!" I say and nuzzle into his stomach, making his shirt wet with tears and an unsightly bit of snot. "They... They..." I say, he pats my back and then holds me back.
"It's okay, you're safe now. Let's get you home now." He says soothingly. This situation, of all people, why Nathan? Does it matter?
It does though... Nathan, saved me. I am overwhelmed by everything right now, I just... "Walk with me please... When I get home though, I'll be okay." I say, gripping his sides. I realize now how muscular he is underneath the bit of chubby exterior he has. Also how big he is... I blush.
Is this love? It must just be the heat of the moment, that's all.
"Sure thing, anything for a pretty lady like yourself!" He says, then grabs my hand. "You gotta lead the way though, I'm proud to admit it, but I never stalked you. It was a thought, then I thought how you'd hate me forever." He smiles again. I smile back.
"Yeah, now's your chance to take notes. I'll start walking..." I say, realizing we're holding hands though, I feel embarrassed, "keep holding my hand, okay?" I ask, looking up at him. He nods vigorously, and gives a thumbs up with his free hand.
So began my walk home, hand in hand with the pervert who saved my Chasity.

As soon as I got home, I contacted authorities. I told them who the assailants were, footage was found of them putting on masks and going into that part of the school. The fingerprints on my chest and arms helped too.
By the next day, they were sent to jail for attempted rape. Wish it'd be a longer sentence, but... With Nathan around...
Argh! What am I thinking!?
"Hey Beth~" I hear that familiar voice come towards me. Think of the devil.
"What is it?" I answer, avoiding eye contact. The walk home yesterday was quiet but we held hands... I blush at the thought.
"You're blushing~" he says, I look up to see a smirk on his face. In my sudden fury, I smack him.
"Idiot! Stupid, dumb, idiotic retard! I hate..." I yell at him, then he embraces me suddenly. "Wha-what are you do-doing?" I ask surprised.
"I love you Bethany Holstein." He tells me.
"Hu-huh?!?!" I yell like a deaf person. "Did you j-just say you lo... Lov... Loved m-me?!" I say, shocked to my core. This is all so sudden. "I... I can't..."
"It's okay Beth. I don't need to hear you say it, I just wanted to let you know." He lets go and smiles at me. "You look beautiful as always by the way."
I go back into his arms and hug him again. "I... Don't know what love feels like, but I think it's what I feel for a pervert like you..." I say shyly. "So, I guess I love you too..."
He lets out a gasp. "I really didn't expect you to-"
"Shut up! I'm not one to beat around the bush, just know you'd be my first love. Don't think it means anything special!" I say to him in a huff.
Unfazed, he asks me. "Wanna go on a date?" Before I say my usual no, I stop to realize I just said I loved him. Shit, I ruined my stand offish personality type now.
"Fine, but it's your treat." I say.
He nods. "Good, because I was gonna suggest the same." He smiles a big smile.
I let go of him, begin walking to school again. "Talk to you later. Have fun in class Nathan." Never thought I'd say that to people. Let's not make it a habit.

After class, the talk of the school became Nathan of all things. News of him knocking three of the toughest guys in school out without much effort, I have to admit it was kind of badass.
"Hey Beth~ are we girlfriend and boyfriend yet?" He came up to me at the end of class to ask. What a dumb question.
"Sure, doesn't matter." I say cooly. Then get curious. "Wait, why do you wanna know?"
"Some nice people asked-" he starts. I cut him off and put a finger to his lips.
"Tell them nothing. Or I'll hate you forever." I say and leave the room. He nodded, so the secret is safe. Nathan keeps his word.

After school, I text my parents that I'll be home later. Since I've always been a good daughter, my parents don't ever doubt my decisions. They just say Okay! Seeya soon! And stuff like that.
"Beth! Can I call you Bethy Boo now?!" He says loudly as he runs up to me.
I came out the same way I always had, so the area was pretty deserted. I sigh. "Sure, whatever. But you can't say it in front of others, or I'll kill you." I say with a glare as he smiles.
"Hurray! By the way, I love you!" He shouts. I blush and cover his mouth.
"N-not so loud! Jeez. I love you too, now shut up." I say. Why am I with this guy again? "Okay, speak. Where are we going?"
"Anywhere is amazing as long as I have you~" he says, wiggling around in excitement I think?
"That's avoiding the question." I give him a glare, but I can't help but feel a warm feeling in my chest. I don't dislike it...
"How about a movie?" He asks.
"You're the guy, you should get some kind of power trip and tell me where to go. Isn't that how it usually works?" I say, he laughs.
"Yeah right! Like Bethany Holstein would take orders from anyone. Ha ha!" He says and continues to laugh. I grow increasingly flustered.
"H-hey! When I start working, I'll have to get used to it, so... I don't mind." I say, putting my fingers together to give them something to do. He grabs my hand though and says to me.
"Follow me then." And smiles.
The warm feeling is in my chest again. Damn stupid pervert. Keeps getting me worked up.
Though mad, she's happy.
Though happy, she frowns.
Though frowning, she smiles.
Can you find her 'smile in the frown?'

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